Food Fruits Herbs That Fight Cancer

When it comes to food that fight cancer, there are numerous options, including fruits and herbs that fight cancer. You’ll be amazed at how many varieties of food types there are that have cancer fighting properties. The trick is to know what combinations and quantities to take to get the desired effect.

Did you know that bicarbonate of soda is a great cancer fighting food? The main reason is that it is highly alkaline, whereas cancer is an acidic condition and it thrives in an acidic body. However, taking the humble baking soda on its own won’t do enough to counteract the acidic body condition. It needs to be added with another substance that acts like bait to the cancer cell, taking the alkaline baking soda directly to the cancerous tumor. 

However, it’s not enough to simply take the right foods, you also need to eliminate the foods that feed the cancer, otherwise you’ll be counteracting the good with old habits that contributed to getting cancer in the first place.

Food, fruits and herbs that fight cancer come in such a variety of options, there’s plenty of choices to replace those foods you may need to eliminate to regain health. The book Fighting Cancer with Food - Diet Food for Cancer Patients and Healing Cancer Naturally gives a broad overview of what foods to take and what to eliminate from your diet. The above link is for the e book version and it’s also available in amazon paperback books.