REVIEWING of current innovative teaching and learning practices to improve students' knowledge.
INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY as a framework to boost students' competences.
at the core of lifelong learning.


The CLIL approach

02/07/2021 9h to 14h


9:00-9:30: Welcome and presentation of the Boost for CLIL project

Maria Pascual

9:30-10:00: Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education

Dr. Christina Reissner
Universität des Saarlandes

10:00 – 10:30 Creating a European CLIL Community

Kitty van Haperen
Da Vinci College

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00 -12.00 Workshops

Project based learning in CLIL
Marta Valero Compte

Digital Tools and Google Extensions for CLIL learners
Sussan Rayne Dreger Cya

Implementation of a CLIL project in a VET centre
Antònia Cladera Bohigas

12:00-13:00. Round table

Presentations of CLIL experiences in european VET centres

13.00-13:30 : Closing.


Maria Pascual

Maria Pascual is a project manager, head of the Unit of International Projects for VET, at the General Direction for VET and Specialised Studies at the Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia. She has a more than 10 year experience in the management and coordination of European projects in the frame of different EU programmes and initiatives, such as POCTEFA, LEONARDO DA VINCI, ERASMUS, HORIZON 2020 among others, as well as in participating in European working groups, consultations, workshops, etc. She also participated in the Transfer and Development of innovation projects in the field of Validation of Competences, ECVET pilot projects, etc. She is also a CLIL teacher trainer, researcher and materials writer.

Christina Reissner

Christina Reissner is a jurist and holds a Ph.D in Romance linguistics. She is docent and researcher at the Department of Romance Languages at Saarland University where she heads the department of Early Foreign Language Learning (French) and of the Virtual Center of European Intercomprehension. Her research focusses on (Applied) Romance linguistics, pluri-/multilingualism, language policies, language learning and teaching, and border studies. Dr. Reissner’s specialties include intercomprehension and tertiary/plural language teaching-/ learning-approaches.

Kitty van Haperen

Kitty van Haperen is an English teacher at the DaVinci College (Dordrecht, the Netherlands) where she works with many teachers and students within different departments and she develops parts of the curriculum for language teachers. Besides that, she is involved in different projects around internationalisation@home.

Tònia Cladera

Tònia Cladera is both a Pharmacist and an Educator specialized in CLIL and Healthcare. Since 2005, she works as a VET (Vocational Education) Teacher and as a teacher’s trainer at the Department of Education of Catalonia

One of her more relevant professional experiences was at the school Mater East (USA), as a science teacher.

Currently she combines her work at Institut la Guineueta (where she teaches Pharmacy and Clinical Laboratory subjects) with the design and implementation of courses such as GEP (Generació Plurilingüe) and Advanced/Basic CLIL courses for VET teachers.

Xavier Vallejo

Xavier Vallejo is an enthusiastic ICT teacher currently working at The VET School Cendrassos in Figueres Catalonia. He holds a degree in Computer Science from The University of Girona. He also holds several courses on CLIL methodology studied in Spain and abroad.

He is interested in eLearning and blended learning and teaching process, exploring whether pupils can offer and richer input after they have been exposed to the same content as in a traditional lesson but using the new technologies. He has also been working as a VET teacher in the ICT field at The Institut Obert de Catalonia for 4 years and as a course designer for CLIL online courses addressed to VET teachers from the regional Ministry of the Government of Catalonia.

Among others, he has also participated in CLIL innovation projects as The KA2 Boost for CLIL, thanks to his CLIL training.

Susan Dreger

Susan Dreger, originally from Canada, is a language teacher by trade but has been working for the last 10 years as an educational technology teaching advisor at the Regional Department of Education in Catalonia.

She has been involved over

the years in many European projects, including ‘Boost for CLIL’ from the

starting point. She also gives classes to teachers-to-be at the

University of Barcelona. Her main current job is at a resource Centre with the

Department of Education where courses and professional development are provided for teachers.

Manel García

Manel García Medina is a former researcher in the biomedical field. After his phD, he found out that his true vocation is education and he became a VET teacher.

He is deeply involved in CLIL methodology and has promoted a project called Multilingual generation in his school. He is also engaged in the Erasmus mobility project, encouraging his students to do part of their practical training in different European countries.

Marta Valero

Marta Valero is a marketing teacher at the Santa Eugenia Institut (Girona, Spain) where she is involved in different projects on marketing. She's been a CLIL marketing teacher for more than 4 years.

She is also a project manager at the Unit of Active Methodologies for VET and Specialised Studies at the Regional Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia.

Emiel Geerts

Emiel Geerts is a (Bio)chemical Engineer with a Master of Science in Education. He is a science teacher with a passion for chemistry and the firm conviction that growing and learning should be combined with challenging fun. He guides his students, prepare them for higher education or international employment and encourage them to develop a passion for chemistry. That was his motivation to embark on the CLIL adventure.

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