About IQBL

IQBL exists to promote and support quiz bowl competition at all grade levels across Iowa by providing excellent tournament opportunities and a network for coaches to collaborate.  We are incorporated as a not-for-profit organization through the Iowa Secretary Of State's Office as of August 5, 2015.

IQBL Executive Committee:

Quiz Bowl Resources:

Online Tournaments:

Recommended Buzzer Vendors:

Ann Cox, 1975-2020

Ann Cox was the coach at Maple Valley-Anthon-Oto-Charter Oak-Ute. She was one of the first members of IQBL and brought her teams to many of our events; Ann always had a smile and a kind word for everyone, and her passion for challenging students to be the best they could be was one of the things her students remember most about her.  Ann passed away in January of 2020, and the Iowa Quiz Bowl League collaborated with Ann's family to honor her memory and her contributions to quiz bowl in Iowa. In January 2022, Ann's family dedicated a trophy case at MVAOCOU in Maple Valley, IA, and IQBL contributed a memorial plaque to celebrate her accomplishments as a coach and educator.  The Small School Coach Of The Year Award was named in her honor, and Ann became a posthumous recipient of that award as voted on by her peers in Spring 2020.  Pictured above is an image of the plaque that is in the display case. Pictured below are Ann's family, including son Cameron, at the dedication of the trophy case. IQBL would like to thank Ann's family for allowing us to post this picture.

Standing: Cameron Cox, Julia Gain, Emma Heck

Seated: Ann Cox's Siblings Chris, Steve, Ken, and Julie

Special Thanks to Julie Newman and the students and staff of MVAOCOU