Authors of Papers (in alphabetical order)
Lee M. J. Coulson (University of Sydney, Australia), The Dyadic Ontology for Platonic Souls: A Way to Transcend Space and Time
Teng He (Bonn University, Germany), Soul as a Harmony? --A Reflex on Aristotle’s Comment on Timaeus 35a-37c
I-Kai Jeng | 鄭義愷 (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), On the Unity of Courage and Modesty in the Theaetetus
Akira Kawashima | 川島彬 (Tohoku University, Japan), Tripartite Psychology in Plato’s Republic
Heon Kim | 金獻 (Seoul National University, Korea), Psukhagōgia and Epimeleia tēs Psukhēs between Plato and Isocrates
Jong Hwan Lee | 李宗煥 (University of Seoul, Korea), Saving Callicles in the Gorgias
Yoon Cheol Lee| 李允哲 (Seoul National University, Korea), The Sophist for Soul in Plato
Yip-Mei Loh | 羅月美 (Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan), The Dialectical Development between Self-Knowledge and Self-Ignorance in Plato's Dialogues
Debra Nails (Michigan State University, USA), Forms and the Psyche
Noburu Notomi |納富信留 (Tokyo University, Japan), Why Soul Matters: Reconsidering the Philosophical Contexts of Plato’s On Soul
Suzanne Obdrzalek (Claremont McKenna College, USA), Knowledge as Assimilation in Plato's Phaedo
Satoshi Ogihara | 荻原理 (Tohoku University, Japan), Education-related Compulsion in Plato’s Republic
Mai Oki-Suga | 隱岐須賀麻衣 (University of Tübingen, Germany), Forming the Soul with Mousiké: How Can We Be Free from Stásis?
Nickolas Pappas (City College and Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA), What Becomes of a Soul: Hope for a Philosophical City in the Myth of Er
Sungwoo Park | 朴性宇 (Seoul National University, Korea), Politics of Soul-Care in Plato’s Alcibiades
Sheng-Yu Peng | 彭盛有 (Taiwan Baptist Christian Seminary, Taiwan), Dialectic of Love and Beauty in the Ever-Moving Soul: An Epistemological and Ethical Survey in Plato’s Phaedrus
André Rehbinder (EDITTA, Paris-Sorbonne University, France), The Pain of the Enamoured Soul in the Palinode of Plato’s Phaedrus
Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro (University of São Paulo, Brazil; Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, Colombia), The Aristotelian Criticism to the Conception of the Soul as a Self-Mover
Makoto Sekimura | 関村誠 (Hiroshima City University, Japan), Lexis and Formation of the Soul in Plato's Republic
Yu-Jung Sun |孫有蓉 (University of Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne, France), The Myth of Incarnation in Plato’s Phaedrus: A Partitioned and Disincarnated Soul
Ikko Tanaka | 田中一孝 (J. F. Oberlin University, Japan), On the Assimilation to the Forms in Plato’s Republic 6
Van Tu (University of Michigan, USA), The Deathless, Imperishable, and Formless Soul: Phaedo 102a10-107b10
Hoyoung Yang (Seoul National University, Korea), Bridging the Gap between the Intelligible and the Perceptible
Chairpersons (in alphabetical order):
Fei-ting Chen | 陳斐婷 (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Hua-kuei Ho | 何畫瑰 (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
C. Lynne Hong | 洪嘉琳 (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
Chia-Lin Hsu | 許家琳 (Tung Hai University, Taiwan)
Hsei-Yung Hsu | 徐學庸 (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Yahei Kanayama | 金山彌平 (Nagoya University, Japan)
Sung-Hoon Kang | 姜聖勳 (Seoul National University, Korea)
Yuji Kurihara | 栗原裕次 (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan; Representative for Asia, Australia, and Africa of the IPS)
Chun-Liong Ng | 黃俊龍 (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Satoshi Ogihara | 荻原理 (Tohoku University, Japan)
Zhi-hue Wang | 王志輝 (Soochow University, Taiwan)
Feng-wei Wu | 吳豐維 (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
Chih-Sheng Yang | 楊植勝 (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Organizing Committee (in alphabetical order):
Hua-kuei Ho | 何畫瑰 (Chinese Culture University, Taiwan)
Sung-Hoon Kang | 姜聖勳 (Seoul National University, Korea)
Yuji Kurihara | 栗原裕次 (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan; Representative for Asia, Australia, and Africa of the IPS)
Chun-Liong Ng | 黃俊龍 (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Satsuki Tasaka | 田坂さつき (Rissho University, Japan)
Student Assistants:
Hsiao-Hsien Liang | 梁孝賢 (He is studying in Philosophy in Chinese Culture University now, and will study further on Plato's philosophy in National Tsing Hua University from September 2018.)
Jo Ko | 葛柔 (She is the designer of the blue poster of the conference. She is a student in Philosophy of Chinese Culture University.)
Wing-Tung Ho | 何泳彤 (She is the guide for our mini-tour at Hwa-kang Museum. She is a student in Fine Art in Chinese Culture University, but likes philosophy very much.)
Xin-Jun Wang | 王馨君 (She is a MA student in Philosophy in Chinese Culture University. She is the one who arranged our meals, drinks and other things. )