Club Merchandise

Would you like to order some great merchandise with the club logo? Just click on the link below!

At our last meeting at Brandie and Dustin’s home in October, our members voted to have various shirts and other clothing items available with our IMHA logo embroidered on them. Our logo can be seen on this page.

Kris Howard, owner of KSH Design Studio, was our guest and she brought many samples of shirts of different styles that show the fine quality of her products. We were impressed. Dustin and Brandie have purchased many items from her and have also been extremely satisfied with the quality, and ease of working with her.

Our thought in making these items available to our members is that we might want to wear them as a group to various club functions, such as the Iowa Horse Fair. And, of course, they would be appropriate to help promote Morgans wherever you travel.

So, with that in mind, here is a link for Kris’ online catalog she prepared specifically for us.

The prices include the embroidery, and tax will be added on. Online payment will be by Pay Pal or Credit Card.

You can contact Kris at or 515 270-2554. Also, she has other items available that can incorporate our logo.

If you would like a shirt, and prefer not to order online using the above link, you can request an order form, just contact Kris for this form and mail it to her with your check, or make other arrangements with her.