About Our Club

The goal of the Iowa Morgan Horse Association is to promote Iowa's Morgan horses through recreational, educational and competitive activities. Our club dues are used to support several programs, among them are:



As a member of the club several benefits are available to you, among them are:


Regular club meetings are held once every other month.  The meetings have traditionally included a pot-luck lunch, business meeting and a program as planned by the host/hostess. Refer to the Events/Calendar tab for the month, time and location of the next meeting.


Iowa Morgan Horse Association Officers

President: Deb Knoll (Term ending 2025)

Vice President: Brooke Moeller (Term ending 2024)

Secretary: Tonya Schaffer (Term ending 2025)

Treasurer: Linda Brittain  (Term ending 2024)


Dick Paul  (Term ending 2025)

Warren Pitcher  (Term ending 2025)

Linda Spain  (Term ending 2024)

Kathy Cooper  (Term ending 2024)



Iowa Horse Fair

Membership director

Club directory printing

Newsletter director


Meeting information:

Meetings and/or activities are held every other month. Please refer to the calendar of events for meeting dates and locations. Visitors are Welcome! Come and Join Us!

Send all newsletter articles, pictures or information to share to:

Iowa Morgan News

2467 195th Trail

Winterset, IA 50273


Email to: libertyvalleymorgans@gmail.com  

Subject: IMHA newsletter