
Tutorials: For Beginners

How to control robot via IoRT

To control robot through IoRT, there are several steps:

1. Step zero: run Django server: python runserver. Type http://<your-host-ip-address>:8000 in your broswer.

2. Step one: Register your robot.

Log in to the webpage and click add robot, and fill the following form according to the information of your robot, like robot name, degree of freedom and motion range, etc. You can modify or delete it after your registration.

Watch the video demo at (Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2)

You should build a connection between your robot and TCP server of IoRT(./tcp_server/

3. Step two: run TCP server from our IoRT system:

python ./tcp_server/

This command allows you to start the TCP server, enabling data tarnsfering among server and robots.

4. Step three: code the TCP client and controlling method in your robot side.

TCP-client should send data to TCP server as: b'{"id": "leo", "action": "location change"}.

The id should be the same as what you set in the webpage. Then the server knows that the robot has been connected and you could send requests to the robot remotely via the website.

How to use the website?

1. Step zero: run Django server: python runserver 

run python ./tcp_server/

make sure your mongodb and reddis are open.

You could use the bash file ./ to complete the three steps above. You will need to change the env path in this file.

       Then type http://<your-host-ip-address>:8000 in your broswer.

2. Step one: log in with your admin account

  username: admin


  The admin account will give you the permission adding and controlling robots. 

                         We also have some test users in the Django Database. Please use the link http://<your-host-ip-address>:8000/admin/ to manage users. 

3. Step Two: Then you could have full experience on our platform, i.e., adding/editing/controlling robots/naos/sensors/actuators.