
Summary of the answers collected from the questionnaire,  regarding an open question 'What are the limitations of the current HuBotVerse Framework?'

In summary, the proposed framework is well-received in terms of user-friendliness, usefulness in specialized applications, and its integration of language models for robot control, with particularly strong potential noted in healthcare applications. While the system is considered beneficial for teleoperation tasks and manageable, there are indications that further attention to security, privacy, and ease of operation could improve user satisfaction. Overall, the system is viewed positively, but user feedback points to specific areas where enhancements could be made to elevate user experience and trust in the system's deployment.

Robotic Expert Interview

Here, after gaining permission from the participants, we provide 2 responses to each of our questions.

Interviewer: Thank you all for taking part in this interview. Your feedback is essential in evaluating the HuBotVerse framework, particularly its usability in home-care applications. Let's dive into the questions.

Part 1: Ease of Use

Q1: On a scale from 1 to 5, how easy or manageable did you find the HuBotVerse framework during your testing? Can you please elaborate on your experience?

Participant 1: I give it a 4. Everything seemed very accessible, and the feedback was almost instantaneous.

Participant 2: I would say 5. I was very impressed with how easy it was to use the system, especially when switching robot IDs.

Part 2: Utility for Home-Care Applications

Q2: Please imagine that you are a stakeholder. How useful do you believe the HuBotVerse framework would be for system integration in home-care applications? Please provide a score between 1 and 5, and share your thoughts.

Participant 1: Definitely a 5. The HuBotVerse is extremely helpful for home-care applications. The modular design allows for great flexibility.

Participant 2: I would say 4. It's quite helpful, but I'd need to see it in a broader range of applications to fully assess its utility.

Part 3: Open Discussion

Q3: What are your general impressions of the HuBotVerse system, both its usefulness and any limitations you observed?

Participant 1: The HuBotVerse system is useful due to its modularity and seamless integration. However, the camera viewpoint could cause difficulties in precise manipulations.

Participant 2: I agree, the camera angles were a limitation. More efforts should be made to improve human-in-the-loop control.

Moreover, for disabled people, voice control would be very helpful.

Part 4: Concluding Thoughts

Interviewer: Thank you all for your thoughtful insights. As we continue to refine the HuBotVerse framework, your feedback will be instrumental in guiding our improvements. Is there anything else you would like to add or any questions you have about the project?

Participant 1: It was great to be part of this. Looking forward to seeing the improvements!

Participant 2: I believe this framework has great potential. Keep up the good work!

Interviewer: Once again, thank you for participating in this evaluation. We appreciate your time and valuable contributions. Please stay in touch via our website's 'Forum' subpage, where we'll continue the conversation about this exciting project.