
Case Study: Robot-Assisted Microsurgery

Fig. 1 Robot-Assisted Microsurgery

This case study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, which demonstrates its ability to seamlessly integrate with service and medical robots. With the HuBotVerse system, authorized users can control specific robots with unique IDs, repositioning them to new goals or executing desired trajectories by sending control commands. They can also choose different user interfaces, modify leader-follower mapping strategies, and adjust the autonomy level of the robots for improved interaction.

A significant shift has been observed from hospital-centric healthcare to home-centric healthcare. Robotic technology can significantly benefit home-centric healthcare. In this case, a microsurgical robot is used to demonstrate the potential of using the HuBotVerse Framework for eye surgery, which can be performed by a surgeon remotely. Fig. 1 illustrates the user interface and the microsurgical platform for eye surgery. The microsurgical robot is developed based on a 4-DoF positioning stage, while a digital microscope is used to provide real-time visual feedback. Different types of microsurgical tools (such as micro-needles, micro-forceps, etc) can be mounted on the microsurgical platform to perform different micro-surgical tasks. 

In Healthcare 4.0, a significant shift has been observed from hospital-centric healthcare to home-centric healthcare. Robotic technology can significantly benefit home-centric healthcare. Therefore, a microsurgical robot is used to demonstrate the potential of using the IoHIRT Framework for  eye surgery, which can be performed by a surgeon remotely. 

The microsurgical robot is developed based on a 4-DoF positioning stage, while a digital microscope is used to provide real-time visual feedback. Different types of microsurgical tools (such as micro-needles, micro-forceps, etc) can be mounted on the microsurgical platform to perform different micro-surgical tasks.