Print Materials

Interested in printing the Investigating History materials in bulk? We've got you covered! You can either print the materials yourself using PDF bundles or order professionally printed and bound copies of the materials through our print partners at TigerPress.

Print the Materials Yourself
Unit materials are available in four PDF bundles suitable for download and printing. Please note, some links in these documents may not be active or may not function correctly; they are intended for print use only.

Click here to download PDF print bundles!

Order Print Materials from TigerPress
Investigating History print material orders are fulfilled by TigerPress. They are offering a variety of ordering options in order to minimize costs and provide maximum flexibility:

Quarterly Ordering
Using this option, orders will be batch processed in bulk and fulfilled to educators four times throughout the year; this allows them to take advantage of quantity discounts even if they are only ordering a small number of materials themselves. 

On-Demand Ordering
You can also order print materials on an expedited basis (i.e., not have to wait for the next quarterly order window to close before materials ship), although prices will be higher in this case.

Click here to place an order with TigerPress!

How many of each material to order?
Student Handouts: The package consists of all the individual student handouts for the unit, shrink-wrapped, three-hole punched and on individual pages (i.e., no two handouts are back-to-back). Schools could order one per teacher, and then teachers would run off individual copies of worksheets for each student as the unit proceeds, or schools could order one per student and use them as student workbooks/binders/packets across the entire unit.

We suggest ordering one student handout package per teacher. In our experience, particularly the first time with the curriculum, teachers find themselves making tweaks and adaptations to the flow of the unit – extending a lesson here, skipping one there, adding some margin notes to a handout, etc. – and so there is the possibility that bulk ordering them as student workbooks might be too restrictive (and lead to lots of wasted paper) versus having the flexibility to copy individual handouts as the unit goes on. That said, some schools prefer to take care of all printing in one go and some of our pilot districts chose to print everything off as unit-level workbooks for students to hold onto through the entire unit. 

Consumable Classroom Resources: These are resources that are typically used by groups of students like sorting cards or collaborative readings used during a jigsaw, so teachers would need less than one per student. We suggest ordering one master set of the consumables for each teacher and letting them make additional copies as needed based on the activity.

Nonconsumable Classroom Resources: They are not resources needed on a per-student basis; one per teacher is all that is needed.