Unit 5: Europe

We recommend that teachers new to Investigating History review the Curriculum Guidebook before preparing to teach their first unit.

Cluster 1: Geography of Europe (Lessons 1-5)
How does geography unite and divide the people and places of Europe?

Lesson 1: Europe’s Political Geography

Lesson 2: Europe’s Physical Geography 

Lesson 3: Using Maps to Understand the People and Places of Europe

Lesson 4: The European Union

Lesson 5: Understanding Time Zones

Cluster 2: Ancient and Classical Greece (Lessons 6-16)
How did Athens and Sparta shape the lives of their people and the history of Greece?
How and why did arts and ideas flourish in ancient Greece? How does the Greek legacy endure today?

Lesson 6:  Who Were the Greeks?

Lesson 7: Athens Becomes a Democracy

Lesson 8: Women, Metics, and Enslaved Persons in Athens

Lesson 9: Spartan Society and Its Civic Focus 

Lesson 10: The Persian and Peloponnesian Wars: Causes and Consequences

Lesson 11: A Flourishing Age for Arts and Culture (Inquiry Cycle, L11-16)

Lesson 12: The Arts and Ideas of Ancient Greece: Research

Lesson 13: The Arts and Ideas of Ancient Greece: Research

Lesson 14: The Arts and Ideas of Ancient Greece: Crafting a Presentation

Lesson 15: The Arts and Ideas of Ancient Greece: Presenting to an Audience and Integrating Knowledge 

Lesson 16: Alexander the Great and the Spread of Hellenistic Culture

Cluster 3: The Roman Republic and Empire (Lessons 17-26)
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Roman Republic?
How did the Romans build and maintain power? 

Lesson 17: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Roman Republic (Part I)

Lesson 18: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Roman Republic (Part II)

Lesson 19: The Punic Wars and the Costs of Roman Expansion

Lesson 20: Should Rome’s Destruction of Carthage Be Considered a Genocide?

Lesson 21: Ruling the Roman Empire during the Pax Romana

Lesson 22: The Tools of Empire: How the Romans Built and Maintained Power (Part I)

Lesson 23: The Tools of Empire: How the Romans Built and Maintained Power (Part II)

Lesson 24: Which Tools Would You Use to Control a Roman Province?

Lesson 25: Resistance to Rome by Groups and Individuals

Lesson 26: Putting It Together and Review for Summative Part I

Teacher Guidance: Part I, Part II 

Student Handout: Part I, Part II

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