Unit 3: The Silk Routes

We recommend that teachers new to Investigating History review the Curriculum Guidebook before preparing to teach their first unit.

Cluster 1: The Silk Routes (Lessons 1-13)
What would a traveler or trader on the Silk Routes experience?
What were the most important goods and ideas that moved on the Silk Routes?
What happened over time to the Silk Road legacy of tolerance? 

Lesson 1: Exchange Across Asia – Timeline and Terms  

Lesson 2: The Geographical Challenges of Silk Route Travel 

Lesson 3: Cultural Diffusion along the Silk Routes

Lessons 4 & 5: Investigating Relevant Sources: Who and What Traveled on the Silk Routes? 

Lesson 6: How Were the Maritime Silk Routes Different? 

Lessons 7 & 8: Inquiry Cycle: Preparation for “Exchange at the Oases” Simulation

Lesson 9: Inquiry Cycle: Exchange at the Oases Simulation

Lesson 10: Inquiry Cycle: Simulation Debriefing and Writing an Argument

Lesson 11: The Legacy of Religious Tolerance in China

Lesson 12: The Silk Road Legacy Today: China and the Uighurs

Lesson 13: UN Sustainable Development Goal #16 and Responses to the Uighur Crisis

Please note: Given the short length of this unit, there is no formal summative assessment.

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