Tunja, Capital del Departamento de Boyacá, fue testigo de los enfrentamientos que llevaron a la Independencia de Colombia a partir de la Campaña Libertadora de 1819.

 La ciudad es reconocida por ser un patrimonio cultural e histórico de la nación, cuya existencia se remonta desde tiempos prehispánicos hasta los periodos coloniales.

En la actualidad es una ciudad que promueve el desarrollo urbano y la cultura. Además es uno de los epicentros estudiantiles de Colombia, lo que la hace una ciudad que busca la innovación y la creatividad.

Tunja, capital of the Department of Boyacá, was witness to the clashes that led to the Independence of Colombia from the Liberation Campaign of 1819.

 The city is recognized for being a cultural and historical heritage of the nation, whose existence dates back from pre-Hispanic times to colonial periods.

Today it is a city that promotes urban development and culture. It is also one of the student epicenters of Colombia, which makes it a city that seeks innovation and creativity.

Tunja, capital of the Department of Boyacá, was witness to the clashes that led to the Independence of Colombia from the Liberation Campaign of 1819.

 The city is recognized for being a cultural and historical heritage of the nation, whose existence dates back from pre-Hispanic times to colonial periods.

Today it is a city that promotes urban development and culture. It is also one of the student epicenters of Colombia, which makes it a city that seeks innovation and creativity.

Acerca de la Universidad Santo Tomás 

La Universidad Santo Tomás es una Institución de Educación Superior católica de carácter privado, sin ánimo de lucro y de orden nacional. Hace presencia en cinco ciudades del país con sedes y seccionales en Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Medellín, Tunja y Villavicencio en la modalidad presencial y 23 Centros de Atención Universitaria CAU en la modalidad Abierta y a Distancia.

La Universidad Santo Tomás, Primer Claustro Universitario de Colombia, fue fundada por la Orden de Predicadores (O. P.) el 13 de junio de 1580.

Universidad Santo Tomás is a private, non-profit, national Catholic Institution of Higher Education.private, non-profit, national institution of higher education. It is present in five cities in the country in Bogota, Bucaramanga, Medellin, Tunja and Villavicencio in the face-to-face modality and 23 CAU University and 23 University Attention Centers (CAU) in the Open and Distance Learning modality and Distance Learning.

The University of Santo Tomas, the First University Cloister of Colombia, was founded by the Order of Preachers of the Order of Preachers, was founded by the Order of Preachers (O. P.) on June 13, 1580.

A Universidade Santo Tomás é uma instituição de ensino superior católica privada, sem fins lucrativos, de âmbito nacional. Está presente em cinco cidades do país com filiais e seções em Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Medellín, Tunja e Villavicencio na modalidade presencial e 23 Centros de Atenção Universitária CAU na modalidade Aberta e à Distância.

A Universidade de Santo Tomás, o primeiro claustro universitário da Colômbia, foi fundada pela Ordem dos Pregadores (O. P.) em 13 de junho de 1580.