news of the department


Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

We start the celebration of #ErasmusDays with video greetings from

Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine and the National Erasmus + Office

ErasmusDays2020_EU_Delegation to Ukraine_welcome
ErasmusDays2020_NEO_in_Ukraine_welcome video.mp4

From October 15 to 17, higher education institutions and research institutions around the world joined the celebration of Erasmus Days. Participants had the opportunity to organize the event in any format: presentation, exhibition, film screening, sports event, concert, festival, Facebook webinar, flash mob, quiz and much more.

We took part in the international event Erasmus Days 2020, along with other institutions in Kharkiv and the region (31 applications in total) and organized 10 events dedicated to the EU Erasmus + Program and added our events to the world map as part of the flash mob #ErasmusDays!

Today on the world map of events Erasmus Days 2020 - 4725 events!

A video review of all events will be available online on the YouTube channel


On September 17, registration for participation in the International Exhibition of Educational Innovations BETT was opened.

Every year, the event brings together about 35,000 members of the educational community from around the world and is the largest event of technological innovation in education.

8 scientific and pedagogical employees of the academy are registered to participate in the exhibition 2021, who will present an English-language manual with digital technologies "Innovative technologies of work in primary school".

European Research and Innovation Days 2020

On September 22-24, the European Research and Innovation Days 2020 were held online with the support of the European Commission, with the participation of 35,000 registered representatives from 188 countries. The event was joined by 13 scientific and pedagogical staff of the academy (Alla Kharkivska, Yuliana Dyomina, Olesya Kiselyova, Natalia Khmil, Larysa Rykova, Alyona Prokopenko, Olena Shukalova, Veronika Odarchenko, Kateryna Korsikova, Olena Shkola, Olena Fomenko, Iryna Remzi, Halyna Bryna) and 24 graduates of the academy.

European Research and Innovation Days are the annual flagship event of the European Commission for Research and Innovation, which brings together politicians, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to discuss and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.


Congratulations on the Europe Day in Ukraine!

Europe Day is an observance in Ukraine on the third weekend in May to celebrate and honor its unity with other European countries. Ukraine began celebrating Europe Day after a presidential decree issued in 2003.

The European Union celebrates Europe Day on May 9. The celebration honours former French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman’s historic speech on that day 1950, when he declared: “Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity. The coming together of the nations of Europe requires the elimination of the age-old opposition of France and Germany. Any action taken must in the first place concern these two countries.” Schuman urged France and Germany, as well as other European countries, to unite the coal and steel industries and give them a new supranational governance structure. The idea was that by combining efforts and distributing the economic results, European countries could avoid the accumulation of military power against each other, ensuring peace on the continent.

02/03/2020 The inaugural conference of the Ukrainian Recognition Network (UaReNet)

On 2nd of March, an inaugural conference of the Ukrainian Recognition Network (UaReNet) was held in Kyiv. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Information Centre of Academic Mobility ENIC Ukraine establish at the national level the Ukrainian Recognition Network (UaReNet) (Full official namе: the Ukrainian Network for the Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications).

The conference was attended by the high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and ENIC Ukraine, foreign dignitaries on behalf of the European Commission, EACEA, EQAR, ESU, the Ministries of Education of the EHEA countries, and the headliners of the international ENIC-NARIC Networks.

Municipal Establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv Regional Council joined the Network by signing the Memorandum for establishment and development of the Ukrainian Recognition Network (UaReNet).

The UaReNet membership will help HEIs to set up or develop the existing foreign qualifications recognition practice in compliance with the current Ukrainian and international legislation and the best practices, keep track on the latest developments and innovations in the sphere of recognition, constantly upgrade and improve, taking part in the activities and the projects of the network with the support and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, ENIC Ukraine and international recognition community in order to foster the fair and transparent practice of foreign qualifications recognition in Ukraine.

26/02/2020 Meeting of Coordinators of the Network of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility

On 26th of February a meeting of the coordinators of the Academy's Network of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility was convened.

Alla Kharkivska, Vice-President for Research and Education, acquainted the participants with the Regulations on the selection committee for the selection of candidates for participation in the programs of international cooperation and academic mobility and with the membership of the commission directly.

Iuliana Domina, Head of International Relations and Academic Mobility, submitted current academic mobility project proposals; internship opportunities in summer schools in the Republic of Latvia.

The Network Coordinators have started work on a project of international student mobility in collaboration with German higher education institutions.

22/02/2020 "School of Social Design and Grantwriting Open Grants School" – new opportunities for project cooperation

On 22nd of February the project "Open Grants School" has been started. This year the project will bring together 500 graduates of the School of Social Design and Grantwriting.

The Head of the Department for International Relations and Academic Mobility, Iuliana Domina, and the representatives of the Network of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility, Victoria Beskorsa, Tetiana Dorosh and Olesia Kyselova successfully passed the competition of "Open Grants School IV" and are attending the project.

Two months of project management theory and practice, meetings with foundations, expert consultations await participants.

The result of the training will be the submission of a projects' grant application to be implemented in the Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy.

08/02/2020 Presentation of the project "Open Grants School"

On 8th of February, at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the presentation of the project "Open Grants School" was held. Tatiana Dorosh, coordinator of the Network of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility, PhD (Public Administration), professor of the Department of Piano, attended the event.

During the info-session speakers presented the "Open Grants School" - a unique project for Ukraine - a municipal free granting school. All the things that await listeners of Open Grants School IV were announced. Graduates had a possibility to tell about their achievements and stories of success.

23/12/2019 Meeting with a representative of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine

On 23 rd of December, National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine and Office for International Cooperation of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University held an information session about the possibilities of the EU Erasmus + Program, attended by Iuliana Domina, the Head of the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility. An Erasmus + monitoring expert, Ivanna Atamanchuk, paid a visit to the university.

Ivan Atamanchuk paid particular attention to the development of the Erasmus + program in Ukraine. The program of the event was devoted to the consideration of all Erasmus + program directions, during which the participants got acquainted with projects of international credit mobility, projects on development of the potential of higher education, directions of youth and sports perspectives, projects of Jean Monnet.