international programs and projects

ERASMUS+ is a European Union program on education, training, youth and sport, which supports collaboration projects, partnerships, activities and mobility in education and science. Together with more than 150 countries, Ukraine is one of the Erasmus + partner countries. The program provides a variety of academic mobility opportunities in Erasmus + partner countries.

TEMPUS is the European Union's programme which supports the modernisation of higher education in the Partner Countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region, mainly through university cooperation projects. It also aims to promote voluntary convergence of Partner Country higher education systems with EU developments in the field of higher education. In addition to institutional cooperation Tempus also promotes a "people to people" approach.

Fulbright Program Established in 1946, the Fulbright Program is the oldest and most prestigious international program for exchange of scholars and students funded by the United States government. Today it supports academic exchanges with 155 countries of the world. Alumni of Ukrainian Fulbright programs established an alumni association in 1999. The Ukrainian Fulbright Association and its members play an active role in Ukraine's intellectual and civic communities, developing and sustaining academic and educational programs at institutions of higher education throughout Ukraine.

GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE OFFICE (DAAD) is the largest organization in the world to support the international exchange of educational recipients and scientists. The DAAD is comprised of 14 representative offices and 50 information centers all around the world. With over 200 exchange programs, DAAD covers all disciplines and countries in the world.

EDUFI FELLOWSHIP programme the program provides internships for young scientists of any specialty in higher education institutions of Finland, initial funding for PhD research projects in Finland, a double diploma programms or educational visits.

Government of China Scholarship Programs “Chinese Government Scholarship” The Chinese government has introduced a number of programs for educational recipients and scientific and pedagogical specialists for teaching and conducting research in Chinese HEIs. 279 Chinese universities offer a wide range of academic programs.

Both full and partial scholarships are offered; the size of the scholarship depends on the category of participant. The competition is annually announced.

UNESCO provides global and regional leadership in education, strengthens education systems worldwide and responds to contemporary global challenges through education with gender equality an underlying principle.

Its work encompasses educational development from pre-school to higher education and beyond. Themes include global citizenship and sustainable development, human rights and gender equality, health and HIV and AIDS, as well as technical and vocational skills development.