The project

INSIEME – Inclusion, Synergy, Innovation, Exchange of Methodologies (N°2019-1-IT02-KA229-062611)

ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices



The project I.N.S.I.E.ME. ha a three-year duration and is co-founded by the Erasmus+ Program. It is coordinated by school "De Amicis-Baccelli" (Italy) and it involves two more partners, "49° Toti-Borsi-Giurleo" (Italy); "Boyan-Penev" (Bulgaria).


Objective of the project is to foster the circularity and the sharing of experiences and good practices with respect to the macro-theme of ‘social inclusion’, declined through two related sub-categories, both of whom respond to horizontal and sectoral European


-       the main components that hinder the fulfillment of an inclusive school leaving;

-       the methods used for its implementation ICT and digital skills for teaching and learning.



The project foresees the realization of:


Topics covered will be:

1. Early school leaving;

2. ICT ad digital tools

3. Social inclusion and equity at school.

4. Itercultural aspects

TOGETHER – Inclusione, Sinergia, Innovazione, Scambio di Metodologie (N°2019-1-IT02-KA229-062611)

ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperazione per l'innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche



Il progetto I.N.S.I.E.ME. ha una durata triennale ed è co-finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+. E' coordinato dall'Istituto Comprensivo "De Amicis-Baccelli" (Italia) e coinvolge altri due partner: "49° Toti-Borsi-Giurleo" (Italia); "Boyan-Penev" (Bulgaria).


Obiettivo del progetto è quello di favorire la circolarità e la condivisione di esperienze e buone pratiche rispetto al tema principale dell'inclusione sociale, declinato attraverso due macro-categorie, che rispondono a priorità europee orizzontali e settoriali:


E' prevista la realizzazione di: 

Gli argomenti trattati saranno: 


Wellbeing – inspiration from ERASMUS+ projects


What specific needs should we respond to if we want to offer pupils and students effective support in well-being? What can we offer to young people to prevent the adverse development of children's mental well-being growing into serious psychological problems?

In the STAY+ project, an international group consisting of organizations from UK, the Czech Republic, Italy and Turkey dealt with this topic and now presents its outputs on the website


The main output is a mobile platform that motivates a healthy lifestyle with a positive attitude. Other outputs include studies, analyses, survey results.

Three-quarters of students experience excessive stress or anxiety (GTS Alive survey of high school and college students in Fall 2022). We supplemented the survey by directly interviewing students at secondary schools and universities, and we are getting interesting suggestions.

Speed - young people spend time on social networks, specifically those that convey information to them briefly and quickly. The STAY+ mobile platform works on a similar principle, the user chooses a topic, e.g. sleep, where he or she can watch a short video about sleeping habits. The user then answers two simple questions and earns a "sleep badge".

Anonymity and simplicity - in order for an application to be widely used by young people, it must be easily accessible, without the need to create accounts and provide personal information to the operator. The STAY+ mobile platform works in a mobile browser, i.e. on a regular mobile phone from the website To access badges (rewards), only activation via phone number or email is required.

Sharing – today, pupils or students usually do not distinguish between social and individual activities. They also want to be able to present and share activities that they do only for themself, which, for example, serve for personal development. On the STAY+ mobile platform, you can show off every badge you earn.

Form and content – the form of the STAY+ mobile platform was created to suit the target group as much as possible, to resemble a simple social network in its control and flow. By combining images, videos and simple key words, they do not try to replace professional support. However, the content brings tips on well-being, food for thought, inspiration for a walk in nature, exercise, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

The STAY+ initiative is not the only one, a number of schools are involved in ERASMUS+ projects, where the topic of well-being has been developed for several years and inspiration can be found among examples of good practice



Проект I.N.S.I.E.ME. е с продължителност две години и е съфинансиран от програма Еразъм+. Координира се от училище "De Amicis-Baccelli", Италия, и включва още двама партньори, "49 Toti-Borsi-Giurleo", Италия, 125 СУ „Боян Пенев“, България.

Целта на проекта е да се насърчи обмена и споделянето на опит и добри практики по отношение на макротемата „социално включване“, реализирана чрез две свързани подкатегории, като и двете отговарят на хоризонталните и секторни европейски приоритети:

·        основните компоненти, които възпрепятстват осъществяването на приобщаващо училище, преждевременно напускане на училище;

·        използваните методи за реализирането му: ИКТ и дигитални умения за преподаване и учене.



Проектът предвижда реализацията на:

·        2 съвместни обучения на преподаватели, едно в България и едно в Италия;

·        4 дейности за мобилност на ученици във виртуален режим, две организирани от българското училище и две от италианския координатор.


Обхванатите теми ще бъдат:

1. Ранно напускане на училище;

2. ИКТ и цифрови инструменти;

3. Социално включване и справедливост в училище;

4. Междукултурни взаимоотношения.