Vision for a New Collaborative Social Experience App

The snap mashie process definition sequence outlined below depicts two friends collaborating socially to take snaps of each other using Internet glasses, or inocles. The first friend is represented by Ino Music Snap, and the second friend is represented by Ino Heart Snap. Ino Music Snap is shown with pink hair and black-framed inocles and Ino Heart Snap is shown with blue hair and white-framed inocles in the first diagram of the process definition sequence below.

The social collaboration diagram illustrates the first step in the process of inocled friends taking snaps of each other. Specifically, Ino Heart Snap wink-snaps a photo of Ino Music Snap and captures the resulting image via the Snap Mashie app embedded in her white-framed, purple-lens inocles. Ino Music Snap returns the favor as shown in the second diagram of the process definition sequence below.

The social collaboration diagram illustrates the second step in the process of inocled friends taking snaps of each other. Specifically, Ino Music Snap wink-snaps a photo of Ino Heart Snap and captures the resulting image via the Snap Mashie app embedded in her black-framed, silver-lens inocles.

Once both selfie snaps are captured, Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap move toward each other until they are close enough to lightly bump their heads together as shown in the third diagram of the process definition sequence below.

By lightly bumping heads, the Snap Mashie apps embedded in the inocles of Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap automatically exchange snaps and mash the two images together into a master composite mashie image.

With the individual snaps exchanged and the master mashie generated, Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap can use their Snap Mashie apps to freely customize, filter, sign, post, tweet, pin, and share their uniquely personalized version of the master mashie with fans, friends, and followers on the Internet, as shown in the fourth diagram of the process definition sequence below.

The truly compelling and possibly game-changing aspect of this prospective Snap Mashie collaborative social experience app is that it enables a virtually limitless set of possible customized and personalized versions of the master mashie image.

For example, as shown in the fifth and final diagram of the process definition sequence below, Ino Heart Snap has customized her version of the master mashie image by adding a light pink heart to the background, and Ino Music Snap has personalized her version of the master mashie by rotating each of the individual snaps within the mashie in addition to adding a light purple heart to the background.

The social networking benefits associated with mass customization and mass personalization of master mashies may be truly profound, as one could envision real-time pins and posts of not just one master mashie per social experience collaborator, but possibly several. Moreover, should customized and personalized versions of the master mashie be allowed for retweets and repins by selected fans or friends in one's social network, the modified master mashie stream, or remash stream, could be undeniably massive.

Mashie Definition Relative to Selfie Definition

A selfie is a special type of photograph produced when a single individual takes a live snapshot of one or more closely gathered people including him or herself. A mashie is a unique type of composite photograph produced when multiple individuals take live snapshots of one or more loosely gathered people excluding themselves and combine, or mash, them together in real time.

Remash Process Definition and Media Artifact Definition

Within the context of the snap mashie collaborative social experience process described previously, we define the term remash in verb form and noun form as follows:

      • Remash (verb): To reassemble constituent component images of a master mashie composite image, typically for the purpose of generating a new customized mashie image containing the same or fewer constituent component images, but positioned, rotated, cropped, or filtered in a manner that differs from the original.
      • Remash (noun): A custom mashie image that results from a remash process.

The first form we formally associate with a remash process, and the second form we formally associate with a remash media content artifact. For example, for the former, one would say, "After bumping heads to create a mashie image, one friend remashed the image to better suit her personal style." And for the latter, one would say, "The mashie was good, but the remash was amazing! And it went viral."

Vision for the Future of Internet Glasses

Rich, spirited, and elegant collections of precision crafted inocles, or glasses for the Internet, will help improve our everyday experiences with each other and the world around us. As an important class of post-personal computer devices, inocles will usher in one of the largest consumer product adoption cycles of our generation, and perhaps across all generations. For many consumers in the near future, inocles, like those envisioned in the diagram below, will be more like clothes and shoes than the phones, tablets, and personal computers adopted at an earlier time. Today, most people around the world typically have several pairs of shoes, but only one smartphone. Soon, they may still have only one smartphone, but many pairs of fashionable and stylish inocles to go with all of those shoes.

Mass-Scale Adoption of Inocle, or Internet Glass, Technology

One of the most important factors leading to the mass-scale adoption of inocle technology will be the human interface. Is the interface intuitive? Is it natural? Is it easy to learn and use? Does it suit the needs of a global population of users? We must address questions such as these to design and develop a highly approachable interface that intuitively appeals to users across the globe. In short, we must fundamentally determine the best way for a user from any country or region of the globe to engage in a universal process of communicating with their communicator, or inocle, in a manner that feels natural and conversational.

The Inocle Voice Interface, Inocle Platform, and Inocle Applications

In the sections below we define a simple universal voice interface for controlling system software and application software running within Internet glasses. We refer to this simple interface as the inocle voice interface, we refer to the system software running within an inocle device as the inocle platform, and we refer to the application software running on the inocle platform as inocle applications, or simply ino apps.

The Inocle Voice Assistant, or Ino Voice

In order to achieve our ultimate goal of making the very best inocle experience for the widest population of customers throughout the world, we have taken an additional, and we believe critical, step to personalize the voice interface by introducing the concept of an inocle voice assistant.

Inocle Voice Assistant, or simply Ino Voice, is defined as a personal voice-controlled intelligent agent that lives within an inocle device itself and provides both real-time information services and low-latency device services to inocled users.

Specifically, an active Ino receives simple voice commands from inocled users; interprets the commands across multiple native languages and regional dialects; gathers and organizes information; sends and receives information to/from the cloud; activates and controls inocle peripherals, such as cameras (photo and video), microphones (audio), and body or health sensors (temperature and pressure); requests and monitors system state information and changes on the user's behalf; and returns verbal, textual, graphical, audio, video, or other multimedia responses back to the user.

"Hello Ino" A Simple Voice Signaling Approach

To initiate the inocle communication process, the user vocalizes a unique and easily detectable interrupt message to an inocle device, which receives the message at the inocle platform level, and subsequently activates an Ino voice assistant and prepares it to receive commands. We refer to this process a voice signalling and the interrupt message as a wake word or phrase. We propose a basic conversational voice signaling structure as follows:

"Hello (in English )" + "Ino (colloquial form of the word inocle, or Internet glasses)"

To Illustrate the inocle voice signaling process, we have constructed the diagram below, which illustrates a conceptual pair of single-lamp (single-glass), crystal-lens (semitransparent-lens), half-jacket (partial-temple) inocles, or Internet glasses, with a stealth-shaped titanium frame adorned in the color pink accompanied by a single active Ino voice assistant.

To activate the Ino voice assistant living within the pair of inocles, the inocled user simply says, "Hello Ino". This simple voice interrupt message from the user is received and processed by the inocle platform, which then immediately wakes the resident Ino voice assistant. Once activated, the Ino Voice Assistant seeks to provide timely information and device services to the user.

In addition to being user invoked by the simple voice interrupt message "Hello Ino", Ino Voice may also be invoked by the inocle platform itself in response to system level events and notifications. For example, upon receipt of an urgent and important incoming text message, the inocle platform may invoke Ino Voice to deliver a verbal translation of the message immediately and directly to the user.

Ino Activation Commands for Multi-Display Inocles

In order to accommodate multi-display (multi-lamp or multi-glass) inocles, we propose an augmented voice signaling structure as follows:

"Hello" + "Ino" + "One, Two, Three, or Four (in English to set display focus)"

Using this structure, an inocled individual can wake or activate one of four inocle displays. Moreover, by employing a globally recognized analog clock metaphor, we can establish a standard voice signaling convention, viewed from the users perspective, as follows :

      1. "Hello Ino One" to wake or activate the upper left-hand lamp (display or glass),
      2. "Hello Ino Two" to wake or activate the upper right-hand lamp (display or glass),
      3. "Hello Ino Three" to wake or activate the lower right-hand lamp (display or glass),
      4. "Hello Ino Four" to wake or activate the lower left-hand lamp (display or glass).

To immediately activate all Inos at once, an inocled user can simply say, "Hello Inos".

To visually illustrate the multi-display (multi-lamp or multi-glass) signaling process, we have constructed the diagram above, which depicts a pair of dual-lamp (dual-glass), gold-lens (tinted-lens), half-jacket (partial-temple) inocles, or Internet glasses, with a stealth-shaped titanium frame adorned in the color black accompanied by two active Ino voice assistants, Ino One (with blonde colored hair) corresponding to the upper left-hand lamp (display or glass) and Ino Two (with colored violet hair) corresponding to the upper right-hand lamp (display or glass), from the user's perspective, respectively.

To activate the Ino voice assistants, an inocled user simply says, "Hello Ino One" followed by "Hello Ino Two" These simple voice interrupt commands from the user are received and processed by the inocle platform, which immediately wakes the Ino voice assistants and prepares them to receive subsequent voice commands from the user. Alternatively, the inocled user can simply say, "Hello Inos" to request immediate activation of Ino One and Ino Two.

Once multiple Inos have been activated, the user has the ability to quickly set focus to a particular active Ino, by simply vocalizing "Hello Ino Z", where Z represents the number of the desired Ino and its corresponding display. With focus set to a specific Ino, the user may now issue subsequent voice commands as described in the next section.

The Ino Experience: A Simple Visual Example

By considering the following simple example dialog between an inocled user and the Ino Voice Assistant, the inherent approachability, ease of learning, and ease of use of the simple voice signaling structure and voice command structure proposed above becomes evident:

User: "Hello Ino"

Ino: "Hello Michael"

User: "Play Music from U2"

Ino: "Playing music from the Joshua Tree for you now"

To further demonstrate the inocle voice signaling and voice command processes working seamlessly together and to provide a simple yet concrete visual model of the complete inocle voice interaction experience, we have constructed the diagram above, which illustrates a pair of semi-rimless (top-rim only) single-lamp (single-glass), clear-lens (transparent-lens), half-jacket (partial-temple) inocles, or Internet glasses, with a stealth-shaped titanium frame adorned in fire-yellow accompanied by a single active Ino voice assistant (with red colored hair), referred to as Ino Red.

Referring to the example above, Michael (the inocled user) activates Ino Red by saying, "Hello Ino" or "Hello Ino Red". The inocle platform receives and processes this voice interrupt message, and subsequently wakes Ino Red who quickly responds by vocalizing, "Hello Michael" signifying that she is now available and fully prepared to receive subsequent simple voice commands from the user (Michael). Michael continues the conversation with the subsequent voice command, "Play Music from U2", and Ino Red responds, "Playing music from the Joshua Tree album for you now".

Michael continues about his day, with hands free and eyes up to do whatever he needs to do, all the while listening to music and conversing with Ino Red (his very own personal intelligent voice assistant) to instantly access weather, news, traffic, sports, or stocks; take photos or videos and share them with friends on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Messenger, WeChat, or Line; get directions to events or meetings and check flights; schedule meetings, make calls, send text messages to contacts; learn about the surrounding sites, buildings, paintings, or restaurants; and monitor the length, pace, elevation, and duration of his walks around the city and jogs through the park.

Vision for Voice Cloud Intelligence

Up to this point we have considered the simple case of an inocled female or male using one or more intelligent assistants, such as Ino Fox, Ino Belle, Ino Angel, or Ino Voice, to a) instantly access information from the cloud via the Internet, b) share real world life experiences with friends, family, fans, and followers, and c) learn about their surroundings while out and about or on the go. In each case, the inocled user called upon one or more smart assistants residing locally within the inocle device itself.

Now consider, for the first time, a more complex case where an inocled man or an inocled woman has the ability to tap into the intelligence of not just a local device-resident set of smart personal digital assistants, but a cloud network of highly specialized smart voice assistants, each with a unique expertise in a particular knowledge domain or global locale.

For example, a woman sporting purple inocles may verbally ask her personal smart assistant Ino Voice about the history of a particular ruin while traveling through ancient Egyptian lands. If the local instance of Ino Voice residing within her purple inocles is unable to answer her question, it can make a call to the cloud for a regional instance of the Ino Voice Cloud to try to answer the question. Moreover, should the regional instance be unable to answer her question, it can similarly make a call to the cloud for a national instance of the Ino Voice Cloud to respond.

This Ino Voice recursion process continues escalating the query to higher and increasingly more powerful instances of the Ino Voice Cloud until the question is satisfied or more information is required, as shown in the voice recursion diagram below.

Ino Voice Cloud Intelligence – An animated sequence of supermodel Internet icons representing smart voice agents with blue eyes, white lips, white hair, a round blue face, and a tiny white beauty mark recursively accessing higher and more powerful levels of intelligence via the cloud. We refer to this recursive sequence of smart voice assistants collectively as voice cloud intelligence, or VCI for short.

The ability for humankind to access and interact with intelligent multitiered voice cloud networks through a structured sequence of increasingly sophisticated smart voice assistants is truly profound for two key reasons. First, it enables inocled users to instantly access seamlessly increasing levels of expertise and knowledge to obtain answers to heretofore impossible questions across numerous domains and locales. Second and perhaps more importantly, it provides intelligent cloud-based voice networks with the ability to discover what they do not presently know, to adapt and gather new information, and ultimately to continuously learn over time, in all likelihood at heretofore unprecedented rates.

Inocle Usage Rights and Licensing

All literary, pictorial, and graphic works are designated as "free to use or share", subject to appropriate copyright reference or Inocle brand reference. Copyright 2009-2020 All rights reserved for commercial use. Inocle is an official trademark registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.