Social Supermodel AI Assistants Post Snap Mashies to the Cloud

The purpose of this page is to utilize social supermodel artificial intelligence (AI) assistants to visually illustrate the snap mashie collaborative social experience process introduced for the first time on the vision page of, extended and popularized by, summarized and unified on the ai assistants page of, exemplified on the examples site of, schematized on the jsons site of, and refined and released on the definitions page of

The snap mashie process involves two or more inocled friends collaboratively capturing and creating customized and personalized mashies and posting them to the cloud, where they become available for all fans, followers, friends, and family members on popular social networks and messaging apps to enjoy and for select fans to remash into fan mashies. Popular fan mashies are likely to be remashed by other fans, giving rise to an interesting, and potentially viral, linked sequence of fan-generated snap mashies, which we refer to as a snap mashie chain, or snap chain for short.

Snap Mashie Process Definition

The two members from the iFamily of social supermodel AI assistants selected to demonstrate the snap mashie collaborative social experience process are Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap, referred to as Music and Heart in the following outline organized by snap mashie process phase:

    1. Connection Phase
      • Music Connects with Heart (PDS01)
    2. Capture Phase
      • Heart Snaps Music (PDS02)
      • Music Snaps Heart (PDS03)
    3. Generation Phase
      • Music Mashes Heart (PDS04)
    4. Personalization Phase
      • Heart Personalizes Snap Mashie (PDS05)
    5. Customization Phase
      • Music Customizes Snap Mashie (PDS07)
    6. Distribution Phase
      • Heart Posts Snap Mashie to Cloud (PDS06)
      • Snap Mashies Posted to Cloud (PDS08)
    7. Consumption Phase
      • Fans View Snap Mashies (PDS09)
    8. Engagement Phase
      • Fans Remash Snap Mashies (PDS10)
    9. Redistribution Phase
      • Fans Post Fan Mashies (PDS011)
    10. Mass Consumption Phase
      • Friends View Fan Mashies (PDS12)

Each of the ten phases above contains one or more process definition sequence diagrams, labeled PDS01 - PDS12, which are presented in sequential order below.

Ino Music Connects with Ino Heart – Social supermodels Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap exchange flirting glances with one another, thereby initiating the connection phase of the snap mashie collaborative social experience process.

Ino Heart Snaps Ino Music – Social supermodels Ino Heart Snap (shown with blue hair) wink-snaps a hands-free photo or video of Ino Music Snap (shown with pink hair) using her white-frame, purple-lens Internet smart glasses, or inocles, thereby beginning the capture phase of the snap mashie process.

Ino Music Snaps Ino Heart – Ino Music Snap returns the favor by wink-snapping a hands-free photo or video of Ino Heart Snap using her black-frame, sliver-lens inocles, thereby completing the capture phase of the snap mashie process.

Ino Music Mashes Ino Heart – Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap move their faces closer together and lightly bump heads, thereby initiating the hands-free, fully-automated generation phase of the snap mashie process. Specifically, by gently bumping heads, the snap mashie app embedded within Ino Music's inocle device automatically transfers the photo or video snap of Ino Heart to Ino Heart's inocle device. Similarly, the snap mashie app embedded within Ino Heart's inocle device automatically transfers the photo or video snap of Ino Music to Ino Music's inocle device. With the snaps exchanged, each inocle device automatically generates a master mashie.

In short, without requiring mashie participants to fish around for a mobile phone or tie up the use of their hands, the snap mashie apps of the participants immediately exchange photo or video snaps upon bumping heads and auto-generate a master mashie, which may be subsequently personalized and customized by each snap mashie participant as described below.

Ino Heart Personalizes Snap Mashie – Ino Heart Snap creates a personalized mashie from the master mashie and sends it to the cloud, thereby beginning the personalization phase of the snap mashie process. Secifically, using the snap mashie app embedded within her purple inocles, Ino Heart Snap personalizes the master mashie by adding a pink heart-shaped background before posting it to the cloud.

Ino Heart Posts Snap Mashie to the Cloud – The personalized snap mashie (pink heart) posted by Ino Heart Snap is transferred over the Internet and stored in the cloud, thereby beginning the distribution phase of the snap mashie process. Once Ino Heart's personalized snap mashie is posted to the cloud, it becomes available for all fans, followers, friends, and family members of Ino Heart Snap's social network to enjoy and for select fans to remash into fan mashies. (For a formal definition of the term remash, see the Vision page.)

Ino Music Customizes Snap Mashie – Ino Music Snap creates a customized mashie from the master mashie, thereby beginning the customization phase of the snap mashie process. Specifically, using the snap mashie app embedded within her silver inocles, Ino Music Snap customizes the master mashie by rotating individual snaps and adding a purple heart-shaped background before posting it to the cloud.

Snap Mashies Posted to the Cloud – The personalized mashie (pink heart) posted by Ino Heart Snap and the custom mashie (purple heart) posted by Ino Music Snap are transferred over the Internet and stored in the cloud, thereby completing the distribution phase of the snap mashie process. Once Ino Heart's and Ino Music's personalized and customized snap mashies are posted to the cloud, they become available for the grand union of all fans, followers, friends, and family members from both Ino Music Snap's social network and Ino Heart Snap's social network to enjoy and for select fans to remash into fan mashies.

The grand union of social networking circles of all mashie participants is precisely what makes the snap mash process a potential killer social app and the master mashie concept a plausible game changing approach in the emerging collaborative social experience application space.

Fans View Snap Mashies from the Cloud – The personalized and customized pink and purple mashies posted by social supermodels Ino Heart Snap and Ino Music Snap are streamed to fans, followers, friends, and family members on popular social networks and messaging apps, thereby initiating the consumption phase of the snap mashie process.

Fans Remash Snap Mashies via the Cloud – Specially selected fans of Ino Heart Snap and Ino Music Snap are permitted to remash the master mashie stored in the cloud, thereby initiating the engagement phase of the snap mashie process and creating an entirely new and potentially large set of personalized and customized fan mashies.

Because the master mashie is a composite snap consisting of the two snaps captured by the silver and purple inocles of Ino Music and Ino Heart during the snap mashie process, fans can quickly and easily personalize and customize their own copy of the master mashie by using the snap mashie app to directly filter, recolor, resize, rotate, and reposition the individual photo and video snaps contained within the master mashie.

For example, one select fan creates a fan mashie by personalizing the master mashie with a yellow heart framing the social supermodels before posting the new mashie image to Facebook, while another select fan customizes the master mashie by turning the snap of Ino Heart completely upside down and adding an aqua-blue heart background framing the social supermodels before sharing the new fan mashie with friends on Instagram and Snapchat.

Fan Mashies Posted to the Cloud – Using their cloud-connected smart devices, a potentially very large number of select fans upload fan mashies to the cloud, thereby initiating the redistribution phase of the snap mashie process. Once the fan mashies of social supermodels Ino Music and Ino Heart are posted to the cloud, they become available for global-scale distribution to friends, family members, and followers via popular social networks and messaging apps.

Friends View Fan Mashies via the Cloud – Large numbers of highly customized and uniquely personalized fan mashies created by select fans of social supermodels Ino Heart Snap and Ino Music Snap are shared via the cloud with close friends, friends, family members, and followers on popular social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter) and messaging apps (Messenger, Snapchat, WeChat, Line), thereby beginning the mass consumption phase of the snap mashie collaborative social experience process.

This is a critical step in the snap mashie process because it may ultimately lead to unprecedented social reach metrics, with the ultimate goal of engaging billions of cloud-connected fans with a single snap mashie.

Snap Mashie Collaborative Social Experience Process Summary

In summary, we have employed social supermodels Ino Heart Snap and Ino Music Snap to define and visually illustrate an innovative collaborative social experience process (snap mashie process) enabled by a potentially game-changing wearable computing device (inocles), mobile app (snap mashie app) and cloud service (snap mashie cloud).

The fundamental steps in snap mashie process are:

      1. Ino Music Snap and Ino Heart Snap make eye contact and start the snap mashie process
      2. Using her purple inocles, Ino Heart wink-snaps a hands-free photo or video snap of Ino Music
      3. Using her silver inocles, Ino Music wink-snaps a hands-free snap of Ino Heart
      4. Ino Music and Ino Heart lightly bump heads together to generate a master mashie
      5. Ino Heart personalizes the master mashie by adding a pink heart using the snap mashie app
      6. Ino Music customizes the master mashie by rotating faces and adding a purple heart
      7. Ino Heart sends her personalized supermodel mashie to the snap mashie cloud for her fans to enjoy
      8. Ino Music sends her customized supermodel mashie to the snap mashie cloud for her fans to enjoy
      9. Fans and followers of Ino Heart view and share her supermodel mashie
      10. Fans and followers of Ino Music view and share her supermodel mashie
      11. Select fans of Ino Heart remash her supermodel mashie and create new fan mashies
      12. Select fans of Ino Music remash her supermodel mashie and create new fan mashies
      13. Select fans of Ino Heart send their fan mashies to the snap mashie cloud for their friends to enjoy
      14. Select fans of Ino Music send their fan mashies to the snap mashie cloud for their friends to enjoy
      15. Friends of Fans of Ino Heart view and share the newly created fan mashies
      16. Friends of Fans of Ino Music view and share the newly created fan mashies

The critical content creation steps that constitute the heart of the snap mashie process are the collaborative capture and generation of the master mashie (Steps 2 - 4), the personalization and customization of the master mashie to create individual supermodel mashies (Steps 5 and 6), and the remash of supermodel mashies to produce potentially massive numbers of fan mashies (Steps 11 and 12).

The key content sharing steps that support the dissemination of snap mashie process artifacts are the individual distribution of personalized and customized supermodel mashies (Steps 7 and 8), the fan consumption of supermodel mashies (Steps 9 and 10), the large-scale redistribution of fan mashies (Steps 13 and 14), and finally the mass consumption of fan mashies (Steps 15 and 16).

What If a Single Snap Mashie Could Reach One Billions Fans?

The social, political, and financial ramifications associated with the notion of reaching one billion cloud-connected fans across the globe with a single snap mashie at or about the same instant in time are undeniably vast. But is it possible? And if so how might it be accomplished?

In theory, it is indeed possible to saturate a significant fraction of the entire cloud-connected world with a single piece of digital content; howerver, it is particularly difficult to accomplish in practice. Nonetheless, with the newly defined concepts of a master mashie, personalized mashie, customized mashie, and fan mashie now well defined per our snap mashie process definition outlined above, we are uniquely equipped construct a simple example to illustrate the ultimate goal of reaching one billion fans over a narrow window in time.

To achieve our billion fan goal, our example must focus on a highly compelling experience or live event that is of genuine interest to people from all walks of life across the globe. Then, we must find a socially acceptable way to capture the experience, ideally from a multitude of unique perspectives using using multiple cameras operated by multiple people participating in or directly observing the live event. Finally, must be able to share the live experience with the world using forms of digital content that have a very high likelihood of going viral on global social networks and instant messaging services accessible over the Internet via a standard smart devices, such as smart watches, smart glasses, smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, smart cars, and smart TVs.

For example, we might focus on a popular sporting event between two globally recognizable sports teams lead by world-famous athletes with well-known supermodel wives and attended by numerous international celebrity musicians, actors, and socialites, such as the annual NFL Super Bowl.

Snap Mashie of NFL Super Bowl Shared with One Billion Fans

During the final seconds of the NFL Super Bowl, a surprising touchdown pass is thrown that clinches the game for the underdogs. The final moments of exciting play action is caputured from multiple camera perspectives, including:

  1. The eyes of the quarterback of the winning team
  2. The eyes of the touchdown pass receiver
  3. The eyes of the pass defenders of the losing team
  4. The reaction to the winning catch by the winning quarterback's supermodel wife, as taken by one or more of her close friends
  5. The reactions to the winning catch by key players, coaches, and celebrities, as taken by numerous participants and fans

This ultimate Super Bowl experience is visually summarized by one or more master mashies comprising mashie component photos and videos supplied by:

  1. The inocled quarterback who simultaneously throws and digitally captures the final touchdown pass from his unique perspective
  2. His inocled receiver who simultaneously catches and digitally captures the final touchdown reception from his unique perspective
  3. The inocled defender who attempts to intercept the final touchdown pass while simultaneously digitally capturing the effort from his unique perspective
  4. Inocled friends who simultaneously experience and digitally capture the reaction of the winning quarterback's supermodel wife to the winning pass
  5. Inocled players on the sidelines and inocled fans in the stands who simultaneously experience and digitally capture the reactions of extremely excited and profoundly disappointed players, coaches, and famous celebrities

The master mashies summarizing the ultimate Super Bowl experience are then personalized and customized by event participants to form participant mashies, which are then further personalized and customized by select fans to form fan mashies.

Snap mashie personalization and customization by participants (athletes, coaches, celebrities, supermodels) and fans (sports fans, celebrity fans, supemodel fans) is enabled by the innovative image and video editing capabilities available in a wide variety of modern cloud-connected smart devices.

Participant mashies are referred to as pro mashies, celebrity mashies, and supermodel mashies when they primarily contain photo and video snaps of professional athletes, famous celebrities, and well-known supermodels, respectively.

With snap mashie creation and editing by participants and fans completed, pro mashies, celebrity mashies, supermodel mashies, and fan mashies are instantly shared via the cloud with a worldwide audience of close friends, friends, family members, fans, and followers on popular social networking sites and messaging platforms.

The chance for any single snap mashie to go viral on the Internet is greatly enhanced when mashie participants are numerous with tens of millions of unique highly engaged friends, fans, and followers all eager to share pro, celebrity, supermodel, and fan mashies with their own unique, highly engaged, and deeply populated social networks and instant messaging circles. More specifically, the total addressable audience for any particular snap mashie is equal to the grand union of all unique friends, family members, fans, and followers from the social networks and messaging circles of participating athletes, coaches, celebrities, supermodels and their respective sports fans, celebrity fans. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the grand union of participants and fans is typically significantly larger than the number of viewers tuned in and watching the event on television or listening to the event via radio broadcast.

While the conditions cited in this simple example are clearly extraordinarily rare, should they arise, the advertising value of the single pro, celebrity, supermodel, or fan mashie that ultimately achieves the goal of reaching one billion fans would be astonishingly large, perhaps exceeding the gross value of the event itself.

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