

  • NanoBioSensor (POCI-FEDER-033925)

NanoBioSensor project aims to develop two analytical tools that would help overcome a significant identified limitation of current analytical methods for microbiological control in the food industry. A micro-total analysis system will be developed by the participating team to enable faster and better control of selected fruit-based products, reducing the analysis time from 7 days to less than 12 hours with greater sensitivity than conventional methods. This device will be designed and manufactured combining the latest developments in molecular biology, microfluidics and electronics. Likewise, a CO2 sensor will be developed with the aim of being integrated into containers providing an indirect measure of the growth of microorganisms and allowing the traceability of containers along the food chain. Both devices will contribute to ensuring better control of fruit products throughout their transport and storage.

  • PORTGRAPHE (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031069)

The main objective of the project is the development, test and in-house validation of a miniaturized DNA sensing device for varietal discrimination of grapes, wines, musts, and grape juice in order to ensure the authenticity of wine from Port and Douro DOP. With this objective the participating teams will combine their expertise for the development of a miniaturized analytical device composed of 3 modules namely: a DNA extraction and purification module, an isothermal DNA amplification module, and a DNA Biosensors based on field-effect transistors (FETs) made using single layer graphene (SLG) for varietal discrimination. The integrated device will be in-house validated with different complex matrixes including grapes, wines, musts, and grape juice.

Low-cost microfluidic cartridge for the detection of mycotoxin in food to be used in a point-of-care device (Micro Grant Proposal. KET4 CleanProduction)

The goal of the project is to optimize the manufacturing of a plastic cartridge to be used in a so-called "immunofluorescent competitive test for the detection of myco-toxin in milk".

The approach being sought for this project is to implement key enabling technologies of microfluidic design and injection moulding for a leaner manipulation and higher throughput. The design of the new cartridge will consist of two main components, a rigid reusable support and a disposable softer component, providing various advantages: (1) direct reagent mixing within microfluidic channels for a consolidated multi-process test, and (2) reusability of one of the two components for a cleaner testing process. To speed-up the diagnostic analysis a temperature control of the liquids in the cartridge is important. Then a portable heating unit, specifically designed to fit the new developed cartridge, will also be designed and fabricated in the frame of this project.

  • SEAFOOD-AGE (Interreg, Atlantic Area. EAPA_758/2018)

Smart and eco-innovative SEAFOOD processes and products for healthy AGEing

SEAFOOD-AGE project is a transnational joint effort aimed at creating solutions towards healthier ageing and a circular economy seafood sector. It will exploit the maritime dimension of the AA regions and will adopt circular economy concepts to generate ready-to-eat seafood for healthy ageing, produce novel eco-packaging and develop a smart label for better quality, safety and minimum food waste.

  • Nanoeaters (0181_NANOEATERS_1_EP)

    • NANOEATERS is a network of Research Centers created with the objective of supporting Euroregional “early adopters” companies in the application of new nanotechnology-based solutions. Companies, Universities and Technology Centers will work together with INL in the definition of new nano-based commercially available products and /or services. The technologies targeted by the project will offer effective responses to the weaknesses detected in the cross border Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) Galicia – Northern Portugal, contributing to major social challenges as Health, Environmental Monitoring, Food Safety, Energy Efficiency or Industry 4.0.


COF-enhanced qPCR

DNA amplification by real-time PCR (qPCR) is a useful tool for different applications, including foodborne pathogen detection. In order to achieve a successful amplification, DNA must be concentrated and purified, which is challenging in vegetable tissues having high amounts of qPCR inhibitory compounds, such as chlorophylls and polysaccharides. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have been shown to efficiently capture contaminants from aqueous samples, and could therefore provide an efficient manner to extract qPCR inhibitors from the sample matrix. In this project, we will expand the use of COFs for qPCR application by using these materials to improve sample purification.

CRISPR technology against the COVID-19 pandemic. The DETECTR of SARS-CoV-2 (project n. 480)

COVID-19 pandemic is still on-going, affecting 4 million people. The viral detection relies on RT-qPCR that is sensitive and specific, but takes long time to results, needs special equipment and trained personnel. Thus, there is a need for methods equally sensitive and specific. DETECTR technology, combining RPA and CRISPR-Cas12a can fulfill these requirements. We will use it to develop a multiplex lateral flow method for naked-eye detection of the virus in only 30 min.

Innovative Consumer OrieNted Safe Solutions (ICONSS. Project_ 20431)

The ICONSS project aims to develop, in the timeframe of the project, an integrated solution targeting consumers and food operators. This integrated solution will be made up of two modules: the first one, an app that will look at nutritional aspects for vulnerable population groups and create a food box from retailers ready to pick up or for home delivery, to minimize exposure in indoor environments particularly for vulnerable people. The second module, also connected with an app, will be a miniaturized device for fast, reliable and easy to use testing of workers and surfaces to ensure the safety in food-related environments, with special emphasis on retailers. This miniaturized kit and device will include sampling, a simplified RNA extraction and isothermal amplification and detection, ready to be used on decentralized settings with minimum interaction from users, and giving a simple and easy to read answer.

LAMP‐Light in the diagnosis of COVID‐19 (project n. 165)

SARS‐CoV‐2 virus is rapidly spreading. The standard to detect it is RT‐qPCR, but the method is lengthy and needs expensive equipment. In this project we will develop a SARS‐CoV‐2 detection methodology based on RT‐LAMP. The technique has a fast turnaround time, does not need specialized equipment, and detection can be performed by naked‐eye. Thus the proposed method has great potential to enhance diagnostics throughput, reduce time of analysis, and improve implementation of appropriate measures.


Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans belonging to the Plasmodium species (spp.). It is one of the deadliest diseases claiming half a million deaths annually. Here, we propose the development of the next generation of rapid diagnostic test for malaria, using a multiplex disposable graphene DNA based sensor device, to be the first distinguishing within all the five Plasmodium species. It will contribute to the development of a novel and cost-effective point-of-care test, through the innovative application of novel graphene-based technologies addressed to ensure an early and rapid detection of malaria.

  • Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir

Development of a system for early detection of the Zebra mussel through analysis of enrivonmental DNA

  • NanoTRAINforGrowth II

Development of Aptamers for Allergen Detection (DAAD)

  • NanoTRAINforGrowth I

Multipathogen detection lab-on-a-chip based on Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification combined with gold nanoparticles

  • Smart Factory for Safe Food (SF4SF. EXP-00082964 / ITC-20151195)

Increase the productive efficiency of food processing plants and the food safety of products made by integrating faster, sensitive, efficient and sustainable emerging technologies into the plant for the detection, elimination and management of microbiological risks and allergens