HowTo Update Solaris OS

Step Zero

If it is a 1st time after installation, go to and receive your personal key and certificate files, called and from the certificate page at and copy them on somewhere on a Solaris machine like ~/Desktop. Then run:

$ sudo pkg set-publisher -k ~/Desktop/ -c ~/Desktop/ -G "*" -g solaris

Now remove both files from ~/Desktop and then check your publisher settings, there should be no unrelated mirrors set up. To check for any set up mirrors invoke the following command:

$ pkg publisher solaris | grep Mirror

If the output is empty you are all set. If not remove unrelated mirrors by running:

$ sudo pkg set-publisher -M -M ... solaris

To see the packages supplied by this publisher, try:

$ pkg list -a 'pkg://solaris/*'

Performing an Update

Checking for Package Updates

# pkg list -u

Dry Run of an Update

It's always a good idea to do a dry run of a system update first to see what changes will be made to the system:

# pkg update -nv

Performing an Update

# pkg update