
Grimoire Skill

The Grimoire holds the strength to the characters, improving their stats and skills.

Each character will have one of three grimoire skills. Green, Blue or, Purple.

A Green node means that once unlocked you gain access to that character's formation.

A Blue node means when you place that character in the shop you can either purchase either an equipment or an accessory.

A Purple node means when you send that character out on a dispatch they have a chance to unlock a dungeon that can give you equipment and accessories.

SECRETs, A.O.M, and SKIlls

Secret moves can be preformed when your characters collect blue crystals during a fight.

A.O.M can be preformed when your characters collect red crystals during a fight. Each character has one A.O.M. Tapping the A.O.M. gauge after it has reached 100% will activate a cooperative attack with the characters in the 8 squares surrounding the team leader.

Skills can be done at anytime during a fight and are done randomly.

Stars and Stats

Stars are used to show the rarity of each character as well as show the level cap of the character.

3 Stars - Lv 40

4 Stars - Lv 60

5 Stars - Lv 80

6 Stars - Lv 100

7 Stars - Lv 120

Stats show how strong a character is and lets you know what you of equipment you want to if you want to cover the character's weakness or let them accel at their favored stat.

HP - Hit Points, when it reaches 0 your characters retreat.

ATK - Attack, higher attack means more damage done to enemy.

DEF - Defense, the more defense the less damage you take.

SPD - Speed, the rate at which your character will launch attacks.

INT - Intelligence, wisdom the higher the int the more your characters will heal and less likely to get debuffed.

LUK - Luck, Luck helps with have a better chance at completing dispatches.

"Why does it say (Character) can do "X" in SECRET but mine doesn't

This list was created with all the information at characters at their max level. The last node increase the secret arts level getting it to level 4, which is the max, give the character an extra effect.