Units and Roles


Units have 5 different roles Attack, Defender, Enhancer, Jammer, and Null.

Attacker - Characters whose role is deal large amounts of damage to enemies.

Defender - Characters whose role involves skills that protect themselves and allies from enemy attacks.

Enhancer - Characters whose role involves skills that support allies by applying buffs.

Jammer - Characters whose role involves skills that apply debuffs to enemies.

Null - Characters who don't specialize in any role but have special skills or stats.


Stars are used to show the rarity of each character as well as show the level cap of the character.

3 ★ - Lv 40, 4 ★ - Lv 60, 5 ★ - Lv 80, 6 ★ - Lv 100

7 ★ - Lv 120 (This feature is only available on JP currently, but you do not need extra dupes for 7★ ).


In order to get a 5★ Character to 6★ 80 Character Sheets or 80 Phantom Sheets are required, you can also mix them, so 40 Character Sheets and 40 Phantom Sheets. It's recommended that you use Phantom Sheets on limited character, as you don't know when they will return, and a usually better than general pool characters.

Any excess of a character you've already evolved to 6★ can be transferred over into in the Point Shop, points will vary by rarity of the unit

Also for characters that you obtain through Defense Quest DO NOT USE ANY Phantom Sheets on them. They will have Ranking Events for them where you'll be able to obtain sheets for them. (More info on Ranking Events in Game Modes)

Grimoire Board/Enhancing

When enhancing a character you can gain GP two ways. The 1st way is is clearing any event, stage, quest, etc. the 2nd way is White Ash Slates, these can be converted into a set amount of GP depending on the rarity used.

Characters will always have 1 of 3 Grimoire Special Skill

  • Supply - When the character with this node type is placed in the shop it will give you access to an item you can buy in Yule
  • Formation - When this characters node is unlock you will receive a formation you can use
  • Dispatch - When the character with this node type is the leader of a dispatch with a Great Success an dungeon will be opened in that character's favored area

DO NOT USE AUTO CONVERT GP, it will consume all you your White Ash Slates into that characters.


Stats show how strong a character is and lets you know what you of equipment you want to if you want to cover the character's weakness or let them strengthen their favored stat.

HP - Hit Points, when it reaches 0 your characters retreat.

ATK - Attack, higher attack means more damage done to enemy.

DEF - Defense, the more defense the less damage you take.

SPD - Speed, the rate at which your character will launch attacks and skills.

WIS - Wisdom, the higher the WIS the stronger the effect of recovery and stat boost will have. The maximum effect changes based on the ability used.

LUK - Luck, Luck helps with have a better chance at completing dispatches.

Unit Ranges

Each units abilities have ranges for how they work:

Ex: Icon for when the range is a vertical line. All enemies or allies in a vertical line will be effected.

Ex: Icon for when the range is a X. Enemies or Allies in an X will be effected.

It's important to note that the red square is the main target for the ability. So it will hit the enemy

Ability Type and A.O.Ms

There are 4 type of abilities

Attack Abilities

Recovery Abilities

Toughening Abilities

Weakening Abilities

and 2 A.O.M. types.

Link Type

Link type A.O.M. distributes the leaders's various effects and stats to surrounding characters. The more characters around your leader the easier it is to trigger the effect.

Absorption Type

Absorption type A.O.M. concentrated various effects and stats of surrounding characters to the leader. Absorption types generally weaken those around the leader to strengthen the leader or give then an effect. They are generally harder to use than link type and more situational.

Best Leaders (In Short the Best A.O.M. skills) currently on Global


A.O.M effect: Raises crit rate based on number of participants


A.O.M effect: Raises participants ATK, DEF, SPD, and WIS, for a short time.


A.O.M effect: Raises the ATK of participants based on number of participants.


A.O.M effect: Raises CRIT rate of A.O.M participants


A.O.M. effect: Increases the amount of blue gems drop rate during A.O.M


A.O.M effect: Increases the amount of blue gems drop rate during A.O.M

Status Effect

Here is a list of all current Status Effects:

  • Attack Up/Down - Raise/Lower attack (Respectively)
  • Defense Up/Down - Raise/Lower defense (Respectively)
  • Speed Up/Down - Raise/Lower speed (Respectively)
  • CRIT rate Up/Down - Raise/Lower chance of dealing a critical hit (Respectively)
  • WIS Up/Down - Raise/Lower wisdom (Respectively)
  • Hate Up/Down - Increase/Decrease the chance of being targeted by the enemy (Respectively)
  • CRIT Dmg Up/Down - Increase/Decrease critical damage for a period of time (Respectively)
  • Blue Gem Drop Up/Down - More/Less Blue gems drop with each attack. (Blue Gems go towards units Secret Gauge)
  • Red Gem Drop Up/Down - More/Less Red gems drop with each attack. (Red Gems go towards A.O.M meter)
  • Delay Attack/Recovery/Toughening/Weakening - Attack/Recovery/Toughening/Weakening abilities will trigger slower
  • Speed Up Attack/Recovery/Toughening/Weakening - Attack/Recovery/Toughening/Weakening abilities will trigger faster
  • Regen - Health recovery over time
  • Counter - Deals damage to attacking enemy after taking damage
  • Cover - Takes damage that would be taken by allies
  • Invincibility - Immune to all attacks
  • Evade - Takes no damage from basic attacks and abilities
  • Haste - Number of actions are increased for a period of time
  • Armor - Immune to a certain amount of damage for a period of time
  • Lifesaver - Gives a buff that has a chance of preventing HP from falling below 1 for a period of time
  • Slip - Take damage whenever an action is preformed
  • Stop - Cannot preform any action for a period of time
  • Sleep - Cannot preform any action until a period of time passes or the afflicted character takes damage
  • Slip Strike - Gives a buff that sometimes causes basic attacks to inflict Slip
  • Stop Strike - Gives a buff that sometimes causes basic attacks to inflict Stop
  • Sleep Strike - Gives a buff that sometimes causes basic attacks to inflict Sleep
  • Drain Strike - Gives a buff that sometimes causes basic attacks to inflict Drain
  • AA Gauge Drain Strike - Gives a buff that sometimes causes basic attacks to drain your opponents AA Gauge
  • Ability Seal - Abilities cannot be used
  • AA Seal - Arcane Arts cannot be used
  • Formation Seal - Change Formation cannot be used
  • A.O.M Seal - A.O.M cannot be used
  • Slip Immunity - Immune to Slip for a period of time.
  • Stop Immunity - Immune to Stop for a period of time.
  • Sleep Immunity - Immune to Sleep for a period of time.
  • Drain Immunity - Immune to Drain for a period of time.
  • AA Gauge Drain Immunity - Immune to AA Gauge Drain for a period of time
  • Ability Seal Immunity - Immune to Ability Seal for a period of time
  • AA Seal Immunity - Immune to AA seal for a period of time.
  • Formation Seal Immunity - Immune to Formation Seal for a period of time
  • A.O.M Seal Immunity - Immune to A.O.M Seal for a period of time
  • Move Immunity - Cannot be forcibly moved for a period of time
  • Status Immunity - Immune to status effects for a period of time
  • Debuff Immunity - Immune to debuffs for a period of time