
Mentorship at INDUS

At INDUS, we believe in nurturing the next generation of solar physicists and fostering a supportive learning environment. Our Mentorship program is designed to provide guidance, support, and valuable insights to early-career researchers and students in the field of solar physics.

Why Mentorship Matters

Mentorship plays a crucial role in the growth and development of aspiring scientists. Our mentorship program aims to create meaningful connections between experienced researchers and mentees, enabling mentees to gain valuable advice, encouragement, and direction throughout their academic journey.

Benefits of Being a Mentee

As a mentee at INDUS, you will have the opportunity to:

Benefits of Being a Mentor

As a mentor at INDUS, you will have the chance to:

How It Works

Our Mentorship program is open to all early-career researchers and students who are eager to learn and grow in the field of solar physics. If you wish to be a mentee, you will have the opportunity to express your preferences and areas of interest during the registration process. We will then pair you with a mentor whose expertise aligns with your academic and career aspirations.

Mentor-mentee pairs will have regular virtual meetings to discuss research topics, academic goals, and other relevant aspects of the mentee's professional development. The program is flexible and caters to the unique needs and schedules of both mentors and mentees.

Join the Mentorship Program

Whether you are an early-career researcher seeking guidance or an experienced scientist passionate about mentoring, we invite you to be part of our Mentorship program. Together, we can create a strong network of support and foster a thriving community of solar physicists.

To join the Mentorship program, please write a mail to us at indsolphycom[at]gmail[dot]com. Welcome to the INDUS Mentorship program! 

Need Help? Write to US!


Contact: Satabdwa Majumdar

Solar Physicist


Numerical Simulations

Conact: Ranadeep Sarkar

Solar Physicist



Contact: Vishal Upendran




Contact: Anshu Kumari

Radio-Instrument Scientist
