IndiAn Network for Dynamical and Unified Solar physicists


Dive into the dynamic world of solar physics with the Indian Network for Dynamical and Unified Solar Physicists (INDUS) community! We are a vibrant and passionate group of solar physicists committed to unraveling the mysteries of our closest star, the Sun. But we're not just about scientific exploration; we're all about building bridges and cultivating young talent in our ever-evolving field.

INDUS extends a warm welcome , to young faculties Dr. Rohit Sharma, Dr. Prantika Bhowmik and Dr. K. Sasikumar Raja. We are thrilled to have your expertise & excited to see your contributions to our vibrant Indian solar physics community.

Dr. Rohit


Dr. Prantika


Dr. Kantepalli

Sasikumar Raja

News ArouNd the corner

Auroras Light Up The Skies

Amazing auroras light up the skies around the world on May 10th, 2024! Let's see how INDUS members captured this incredible event.

Dr. Immanuel Christopher Jebaraj captured this image from Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, Finland.

Dr. Vishal Upendran captured this image from San Jose, California, USA.

Dr. Debesh Bhattacharjee has taken this picture from Glasgow, Scotland.

This image is captured by Dr. Sowmya Krishnamurthy from Göttingen, Germany.

See archived news here!

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