Welcome to the Indian Network for Dynamical and Unified Solar Physicists (INDUS) community! We are a passionate group of solar physicists dedicated to advancing research and understanding of our closest star, the Sun, while fostering collaboration and supporting the growth of young researchers in our field.

Our Vision

Our mission at INDUS is to foster a vibrant community of Indian solar physicists, both within the country and across the globe. We provide a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and exploration of cutting-edge research in solar physics. INDUS aims to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions that lead to a deeper understanding of the dynamic solar phenomena and contribute to unraveling the mysteries of our ever-changing Sun.

Who We Are

INDUS brings together a diverse group of PhDs and Postdoctoral researchers, scientists, and students from various institutes and universities in India and abroad. Our membership includes new PhDs, early-career scientists, and students, ensuring a wide spectrum of expertise and fresh perspectives in solar physics.

What We Do

At INDUS, we are committed to creating an open and inclusive environment that encourages the exchange of ideas, research findings, and methodologies. To achieve this, we organize regular meetings, seminars, and mentorship programs that provide valuable opportunities for members to present their research, discuss recent advancements, and establish fruitful collaborations.

Key Activities


Our immediate goal is to create a strong and supportive network of researchers, scientists, and students passionate about solar physics. Through regular meetings, webinars, workshops, and seminars, we aim to facilitate knowledge sharing, discussions, and collaborations that will enrich our understanding of our nearest star.

Our long-term aspiration is to establish a formal society for Indian solar physicists. By becoming an official society, we will amplify our impact on solar physics research in India. This society will provide a dedicated platform for solar physicists, enabling them to participate in larger conferences, publish research, initiate outreach programs, and collaborate with solar physics communities worldwide.

About the Logo

The INDUS logo is a captivating depiction of the Sun, representing our unwavering commitment to exploring the mysteries of our nearest star. Enclosed within a circular design, the logo showcases a harmonious blend of India's national flag colors - deep saffron, white, and dark green - symbolizing our nation's pride and unity. The top segment proudly displays the Sun's mesmerizing image captured in EUV at 304 \AA~ from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), revealing the enigmatic inner corona of our star. The middle section showcases the solar photosphere in HMI visible channel, providing a captivating glimpse into the Sun's magnetic activity. Lastly, the bottom part portrays the Sun in the Fe XII line in EUV at 193 angstroms, beautifully captured by SDO, illuminating various features of the Sun's dynamic atmosphere. Each wavelength reveals distinct aspects of the Sun, enriching our understanding of its complex nature. This profound symbolism represents our dedication to advancing solar physics research, while also embodying the spirit of our great nation. Together, let us embark on a journey of exploration, guided by the radiant light of the Sun and the spirit of unity and progress represented by the Indian tricolor.


Strength in Diversity: With over 150 members and growing, our community thrives on the contributions of dedicated professionals from diverse backgrounds. Spanning 21 countries and three continents, we celebrate the richness of our global connections (See Figure 1).

A Spectrum of Expertise: Our community represents a rich tapestry of talent, with members excelling in various roles within solar physics research:

Global Reach: Our community's geographic diversity is truly remarkable, as showcased in Figure 1a, which highlights our members' locations around the world.

Charting Our Impact: In Figure 2, we present a pie chart illustrating the distribution of our members based on their positions within the solar physics domain. Figure 3 offers insight into the diverse fields of work our members are engaged in, reflecting the wide spectrum of research we contribute to.

Having a significant representation of women brings diverse perspectives and enriches the group's collective knowledge and skills. It reflects the commitment to promoting gender equality and creating a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone involved. We are proud to have 40% of INDUS members as women (Figure 2).

INDUS Members Across the Globe: Our diverse community of Indian solar physicists, represented by locations on the world map, collaborates across 21 countries and three continents to unlock the mysteries of the Sun.

Our community's diverse talent is showcased in this pie chart, illustrating the distribution of roles within solar physics research. PhD Researchers lead with 58%, followed by Postdoctoral Researchers at 29%, and Engineers and Scientists contribute 13% to our vibrant membership. This also highlights the female representation within the INDUS group. 

The histogram highlights the diverse range of research fields our members contribute to, shaping the future of solar physics.

Want to Become an INDUS Member?

Read here about INDUS membership guidelines!

Connect With Us

Whether you are an established solar physicist, an early-career researcher, or a student with a passion for solar physics, INDUS welcomes you to be a part of our vibrant community. By joining INDUS, you will have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your horizons, and contribute to the advancement of solar physics in India and beyond.

Stay informed about our upcoming events, seminars, and opportunities by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter. To join INDUS or inquire about potential collaborations, please feel free to reach out to us at [indsolphycom[at]gmail[dot]com].

IMAGE CREDIT  & Acknowledgment

The images on this website are taken from various sources. We have tried our best to find the original sources of the images, but if you notice any copyright violations, please let us know at  [indsolphycom[at]gmail[dot]com], and we will take immediate action.

Copyright:  All images are copyright of their respective owners.

Thank you for joining the Indian Network for Dynamical and Unified Solar Physicists (INDUS) community! Together, let's explore the wonders of teamwork and collaboration to unveil the mysteries of our Sun.