

Solarsoft is a set of integrated software libraries, databases, and system utilities which provide a common programming and data analysis environment for Solar Physics.

SunPy, its affiliated packages, or just any posts about solar physics and doing solar physics with Python. 

MATLAB Astronomy&Astrophysics Toolbox (MAAT) is a collection of functions and classes for astronomy and astrophysics experimental and theoretical research.

CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications package, is the primary data processing software for the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and NSF's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA)  and is frequently used for other radio telescopes too. 

Explore Community Coordinated Modeling Center, free access to modern space science research models through an automated model run system, as well as online visualization and analysis tools.

Explore STIX Data Center, View STIX quick-look light curves,  s/c orbit, altitude, or light travel time, download data products, and  data analysis tutorials. 

Explore Solar EneRgetic ParticlE aNalysis plaTform for the INner hEliosphere (SERPENTINE), a platform for the analysis and visualization of high-level datasets to benefit the wider heliophysics community.

Explore Open ML projects and datasets related to heliophysics and space weather. An initiative by the FDL.AI

Explore Coordinated Radiodiagnostics Of CMEs and Solar flares (CROCS).

Explore Radio Monitoring, provides daily surveys, which include radio spectra, radio imaging, and CME occurence.

Interactive Jupyter notebook based learning platform for ML using heliophysics datasets

DATA VisuALizations

JHelioviewer is visualization software for solar image data based on the JPEG 2000 compression standard.

VisIt is an Open Source, interactive, scalable, visualization, animation, and analysis tool.

Explore the Magnetic Connectivity Tool, which helps you to estimate the solar source location of the solar wind and energetic particles measured by different spacecraft.

Propagation tool, an interactive tool accessible to the solar, heliospheric, and planetary science communities to track solar storms, streams, and energetic particles in the heliosphere.

Autoplot is an interactive browser for data on the web or a file. Give it a URL or the name of a file on your computer, and it tries to create a sensible plot of the contents in the file.