Unpacking the Curriculum


Curran presented the development process of these courses at the FNAESC Conference in May of 2021. Watch the recording below!


In these courses, learners (i.e. students and teachers) will take different perspectives to gain a deeper understanding, empathy, and mutual respect of Indigenous peoples, knowledge, and culture in the territory known as Canada. Learners will also be encouraged to demonstrate this knowledge through action in the real world.


Philosophy of Assessment

This course is meant to be evaluated through the presentation of a portfolio. The teacher can assign multiple assignments throughout the course, and each student will choose a representative and meaningful sample to include in their portfolio. This portfolio is then shared with the teacher in an interview format.

The beauty of creating an evaluation like this is that it leaves the flexibility for teachers and students to take their learning in various directions. We describe this as a "Framework of Choice"; the opportunity to teach what is relevant or important to each individual context and yet still maintain an effective and meaningful learning experience.

Evaluation Criteria

Competency 1: Develops informed opinions through critical reflection (60%)

  • Analyzes several historical and current perspectives on the issue

    • Identifies the values and interests that influence these points of view

    • Establishes similarities and differences among these points of view

  • Considers the media treatment of the issue

    • Recognizes the choices made by some media in their treatment of the issue

    • Establishes the influence of the media on their opinion

  • Forms an opinion on the issue

    • Develops strong arguments in support of their opinion and is able to qualify them confidently

    • Evaluates and uses multiple, valid sources to support their opinion

Competency 2: Demonstrates a collaborative effort to create a community of acceptance (20%)

  • Interacts with an open mind

    • Exchanges and respects different points of view

    • Manages conflict effectively

  • Qualifies their opinion

    • Recognizes and actively acknowledges their biases frequently

    • Uses differences constructively to reconsider or reinforce their position

Competency 3: Takes action towards social justice in the wider community (20%)

  • Considers opportunities for social action

    • Recognizes types of action that could be taken and their potential impacts

    • Identifies platforms (i.e. community organizations, social media, etc.) that could provide support or benefit from their actions

    • Establishes (and, if possible, carries out) an action plan

The complete Program of Study is available in the Google Doc below:

Complete Program of Study.docx