ITOSS Dashboard Set-Up

ITOSS Dashboard

The ITOSS Dashboard is the face of ITOSS that users will see when entering the application.  The Dashboard provides easy access to view data, trends, and analyses for each jurisdiction using the ITOSS application in an easily understandable and logical format. It provides key indicators and information at every entry into the ITOSS application. 

Expand the collapsible groups below to learn more about setting up the Dashboard.

Data Inputs

ITOSS has the capability of accepting all information gathered in the application and permitting processes.  There are many entry fields required in ITOSS to ensure that information can be accessed for reports and searching ability.  Other data fields can be entered depending on the user’s desire to include additional information.

Information from the application, on-site soil evaluation report, system minimum specifications, permitting data, and final inspection information can be entered into ITOSS.  ITOSS also has the ability to enter complaint and investigation information and operating permit information.

Time Required for Set-Up

It takes only a few minutes to get an Access Indiana account and to locate the Gateway application in Access Indiana.  Once in the Gateway application, the user can request access to use ITOSS.  Typically, access is granted within a day or two of the request.  Field staff can typically visit a local health department to provide training for ITOSS within one to two weeks.

Dashboard Maintenance

Time commitments for use of ITOSS are relatively low.  IDOH provides free training on ITOSS and all follow-up support needed.  Training for ITOSS entry and report development is very simple and can be accomplished in one visit by an IDOH staff member.  Once trained, entering data and producing permits or reports takes no longer than creating a permit in another program.

Future Updates

In the near future, a mapping feature will be added to ITOSS to spatially locate parcels with on-site sewage systems and potentially to give access to the public to research on-site sewage system information on parcels.  Permitting information from local health departments that use a program other than ITOSS to store permit information will also be added so that information can be made available to the public and for data compilation efforts.

IDOH staff are committed to keeping the ITOSS application up to date with current rules and regulations and hope to continue to add functionality as capable.


Those local health departments wishing to get access to ITOSS can request access through the Gateway application in Access Indiana and it will walk you through the process of getting access to ITOSS.  

For additional questions or assistance, contact: 

Mike Mettler, Division Director


Alice Quinn, Manager of the Residential On-site Program


For any additional aid, contact your local IDOH field staff representative.