No Dumb Questions

“No Dumb Questions” is a lunch-and-learn series taught by LAMP leadership designed to help pastors serving PC(USA) churches in the greater Pittsburgh area gain knowledge and skills for the care of the queer community in a safe space where they can expect their questions to be received with grace and understanding.

It is intended for pastors who are loving and dedicated allies to the LGBTQ+ community, as an opportunity to sharpen their skills.

The group meets from noon to 1pm on the 3rd Wednesday of every month over Zoom to discuss theologically informed professional best practices around pastoral situations such as pronoun use, how to be prophetic from the pulpit, and trans-inclusive youth group management.

If that sounds like you, or if you know pastors who are affirming and celebrating of the LGBTQIA+ community who would benefit from this kind of space, please join us! We invite you to connect by emailing .

Source: bellabrend / iStock / Getty Images Plus