Leadership Team

Our leaders are drawn from LAMP's participating congregations and operate on an entirely volunteer basis. 

Kate Davoli


Kate is a Ruling Elder at Sixth Presbyterian Church, a lay preacher, an MDiv student at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and a member of the national Board of Directors of the More Light Presbyterians.  They piloted LAMP's mobile hospital ministry as the Student Chaplain in their Field Education placement in 2021-2022 and now serve as Chair.


Rev. Don Hammonds

Director of Reconciliation

Don is passionate about reconciliation and being with those who are hurting. He is currently a chaplain at UPMC-Shadyside Hospital. Husband and father of four, Don prays and fights for a better Pittsburgh.


Liam Taylor



Liam is a member at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community


Tawna Loutsenhizer



Tawna is a Ruling Elder at Waverly Presbyterian Church


Wil Forrest

Congregational Representative

Wil is the Coordinator of the LGBTQIA+ Ministry at East Liberty Presbyterian Church.  He is driven by the desire to ensure ALL the LGBTQIA+ community knows God loves them. 


Pastor Erin Jones

Congregational Representative

Pastor Erin is the pastor at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community, and serves at the main congregational contact with the Inclusive Presbyterian Group. She is a white cis-het individual who finds the work of being an ally and supporting queer voices in the church and beyond a holy calling. She'll gladly help you find a place where you feel loved and valued, and is always available for whatever you need: a place for silence, screaming, cursing, fighting, laughing, anything. You name it, and she'll do what she can to support you.  

Rev. Caitlin Werth

Congregational Representative

Caitlin has been the pastor of Waverly Presbyterian Church since August 2020 and was previously the Director of the HOPE Pre-Release Program in Allegheny County Jail. Inclusivity is at the heart of the gospel and Caitlin's passion is helping every person to know and experience how deeply they are loved by God. 

Rev. Cheryl Khyllep


Congregational Representative

Rev. Cheryl Lynn Khyllep is a Co-Pastor of Open Door Presbyterian Church, which worships in the Neighborhood Academy in Stanton Heights. Cheryl loves getting to know the creative, wickedly smart, charismatic, broken, doubtful, and hopeful individuals of the East End of Pittsburgh and Sojourning with them in their faith journey. She has a background in the visual arts and finds God in the act of creating and witnessing others creative expressions.

Karl Shaley


Congregational Representative

Karl Shaley is the Youth Director of Northside Youth Ministry, a collective of small Northside churches that are LGBTQIA+ affirming and social justice focused. He is also a part time seminarian through Chicago Theological Seminary. As a queer person, he has learned that God is love and love is God and he tries to make sure his students know that. 

Rev. Erin Angeli

Congregational Representative

Erin Angeli is the Pastoral Associate for Queer and Neighborhood Ministries at Commonwealth of Oakland. Erin’s work at Commonwealth is wide-ranging, but her favorite focuses are ministry to the Oakland neighborhood and pastoral care to queer folks. Erin’s goal in her queer ministry is twofold: to provide pastoral care to those discerning their relationship with the Church, and to organize local religious leaders to design systems of support for queer Christians.


Rev. Jason Dauer

Congregational Representative

Rev. Jason, M.Div., is pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood and leads Stonewall Abbey: a queer-inclusive faith community in the East End. Jason seeks to build bridges of justice and love in a divided city. Together with his husband, David, they are still learning what it means to be in a city that celebrates its ketchup.
