Accessible Worksheets with Chrome

You will need to scan the worksheet using a scanning program and send the document to your Google Drive.  

See ideas for scanning  on the Main Making Worksheets Accessible Page .

Worksheet with Text only

Open the worksheet in Google Docs

Text to Speech Options:

Use Select to Speak on Chromebook to hear the document read aloud

Using the Read Aloud Extension in the Chrome Browser

 If using the Chrome Browser on device other than Chromebook, there are several options to read aloud

Speech to Text Options:

Use Google Voice Typing to dictate if need to add information

Worksheet with pictures and/or blank lines

To preserve the format of the worksheet you will need to open the document with an app that can read & write on PDF's 

You can find ideas at the bottom of the main Making Worksheets Accessible Page  

Math Worksheet

It is possible to read and write on Math worksheets, including completing the math digitally using TextHelp EquatIO and Read&Write ScreenShotReader. See video above for demo.

If you do not need to do the math on the computer and simply want to input the answers, you can use any PDF annotator.  You can find ideas at the bottom of the main Making Worksheets Accessible Page