Young Parents

Our fab volunteers are still putting this page together, however we have made a start...

What is life like for a young parent?

No matter how old or young they are, most parents find it hard to cope when they have a baby. When you’re a new mother or father, you might be worried about:

  • feeling judged or people making comments

  • arguing with your family or carers

  • doing the best for your child

  • proving that you can do everything or that you don’t know enough

  • not getting enough rest

  • keeping up with schoolwork and what to do in the future

  • how you look and whether your body will change

  • outside agencies, such as health visitors, or other people/family getting involved.

It can be tough trying to balance school work and having a baby; especially if you’re worried about exams or you’re already tired. It’s important to give yourself time to rest when you can. If you’re worried about keeping up with work, there are things that can help.

  • Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do everything at once. Try just doing one piece of work or setting a time limit on how long you’ll spend working

  • Take breaks. Take time to rest when your baby is resting, especially if your baby isn’t sleeping a lot

  • Be honest. Talk to your teachers or support workers about what’s happening. Sometimes it can help to make a list of things that are going well with school and things that you’re struggling with.

Extract from Family Rights Group UK


No one is ever quite ready. Everyone is always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you.

Marisa de Los Santos


Programme ideas

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Change a nappy

Visit from a newborn baby and parent(s)

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