
What is Autism?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. More than one in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK.

Autism is a spectrum condition that affects people in different ways. Like all people, autistic people have their own strengths and weaknesses, but autistic people may share difficulties in social communication and social interaction. They often have repetitive and restrictive behaviour and are over- or under-sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch. They can be highly focused on interests or hobbies. They can become highly anxious and have meltdowns or shutdowns.

Extract from


Autism, seeing the world from a different angle.

Autism Parenting Magazine


Programme ideas


Interesting interactions.

Get creative and discover how people interpret the world in different ways.

Beavers & Cubs

Map your autism-friendly community

Create a map of the autism-friendly spaces in your community and help others see what more needs to change.

Scouts & Explorers

Write a letter for better!

Celebrate your achievements, write to your local newspaper, and encourage others to take part.

Be an autism-friendly champion

Inspire local businesses to become autism-friendly by showing them what needs to change.

Badge links

Community Impact (Staged)

Squirrels Local Superhero Activity

National Autism Society

Fun & Games

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorers

Try Equality Ball and learn how games aren't always accessible to everyone.