
We are pleased to invite you to become our sponsors!

Sponsoring IMR+MAX IV 2020 is a nice opportunity to show your latest achievements and products. It is also a chance to present your interest and support for synchrotron and neutron based research. We are a small group but the attendees of the workshop are consists of researchers who are in the frontier in their research areas. We believe that communication with the attendees will help to expand your activity on this field of science.

Benefits as official sponsor

  • Acknowledge as "conference supporter" on the website. Your logo and name of the organization promoted on the website in top page and sponsorship page (logos and names can be linked to your website)
  • Acknowledge on the posters in the workshop site (which will be putted in the entrance of the conference room and reception desk) as as "conference supporter"
  • The common advertisement space (table) for putting handout, catalog etc is available for official sponsor
  • We can provide exhibition space at the entrance of the conference room


  • Sponsorship with an exhibition place: 50,000 JPY

We will provide a exhibition place with a table and poster boards

  • Sponsorship without an exhibition space: 20,000 JPY

You can use common advertisement space for putting handout, catalog etc (If you are not planning to attend the meeting you can send handout, catalog to Tohoku Univ. in prior to the meeting)

Contact person (about sponsorship): takashi.tokushima_at_maxiv.lu.se (Change "_at_" to "@" )