Machining Course

We're offering machining course for faculty members, researchers and students of Tohoku University.  Machining skills come in handy when you need to make mechanical parts or process test samples. In this course, you'll learn how to use machine tools safely, then you'll be able to embark on your own machining project.

Safety Lecture and Registration

You'll learn the hazards and risks associated with machine tools, some instances of accidents and safety rules which you need to follow when you use machine tools.  The lectures are  available at any time on demand. When you finish all the steps in the following site, you'll be entitled to use the machine tools in IMR's student machine shop.

Practical training in machining

We're offering the following hands-on machining training classes.

Please make a reservation for each class on the following form at least one week before the class.

Reservation Form URL : 

This training will be offered from early May until late October.


Mechanical drafting

You'll learn how to properly draw  mechanical parts. Not to mention, this skill is crutial when you ask machinists to make the parts you designed. 

Date and time :  July 10

Participant Limit : 12 people

Language used : Japanese

We're going to let you know when the schedule is firm.

Video lectures on the machining techniques

Following video lectures will help you learn how to use machine tools.   We're sorry but currently the following videos are only dubbed in Japanese.


Feel free to send us emails if you have any question.

Email :

Booking status
