Email : imr.machineshop@gmail.com

TEL : 215-2577

Can you speak English?

One of the staff members named Toshikazu Sato is able to speak English to some extent. As it could happen that he's out of office when you visit our office without any notice, it might be better to arrange an appointment by the following email or the meeting request form.

Email : imr.machineshop@grp.tohoku.ac.jp

Meeting Request Form : https://forms.gle/nztzY5gFs3QGVebEA

I cannot reach the "status and charge" site. Why?

In most cases, the problem is in your proxy setting.  If you are using Windows 10,  open setting, select "Network & Internet" then open "Proxy" tab. Proxy setting should be the following.

Just refer to the setting image.

I cannot open the student machine shop booking site. Why?

The booking site is running in the Tohoku University Google Workspace domain. So you need to log-in with your Tohoku University Google Workspace account.

Those who without that account should visit the booking site below. Although it requires log-in with Google account, the account doesn't need to be in Tohoku University domain.

We recommend Google Chrome as a browser.

What's the rate, charge or fee like?

Different rates will be applied depending on whether you belong to IMR or not. 

Rates for IMR members

Rates for non-IMR members

Can you give my request the highest priority?

Urgent request

Yes. If you are in a real rush, we could put "urgent priority status" on your request. However there's a limit. Each lab is given 80 hours a year for urgent priority request. After using up all the 80 hours, we can no longer give your request the highest priority.  It's also important to know that 80 hours of priority title is shared among your lab mates.  You also better be aware that when your request is prioritized, someone else's requests are sacrificed. 

Anyway we suggest you set up your research schedule with sufficient time leeway. Machining takes a lot of time. Our resources are finite. I hope you are beautiful-minded and willing to share the limited resources with your fellow researchers and students by clever planning of your research.

Can you anchor gas cylinder stands?

Yes, we can do the work unless there are technical problems. 

Can you anchor pieces of furniture?

We can only anchor the pieces of furniture which are not newly purchased. You should get anchoring included in the contract when you purchase pieces of furniture.  We also cannot do the work if there are technical problems. The rate is 1000 JPY per hour plus the fee for anchor bolts.

Can you remove anchor bolts protruding from the floor?

Yes, we can do the work unless they are not newly purchased ones and there are technical problems. 

Why do I have to book before using the student machine shop?

We cannot afford to have a staff member stay in the student machine shop all the time even when there's no user in the student shop, because there so many works to do. Reservations allow us to make good use of time.

Why should I let you know ahead of time before I visit your office?

Tohoku university has been cutting back its employees significantly. Fewer and fewer staff members are taking care of researchers and students these days. If you'd like to have your requests done quickly, you better help us improve our productivity. Schedule-based working style allow us to concentrate on work better. I hope you understand.