
IMPI is a forum for UK based Information Managers in the pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical device industries, to share, agree and resolve common issues relating to information and knowledge management.

IMPI serves as a focus group to represent industry-wide information needs to suppliers of information products and services, thus leveraging the power of the UK pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical device industries to influence appropriate product development.

IMPI members are managers responsible for information or knowledge management functions in UK based pharmaceutical, healthcare and medical device research and development companies. Each company will normally have one member. Members are encouraged to invite colleagues to each meeting where they hold an interest in the topic to be discussed.

IMPI meets twice a year in Spring and Autumn. Each meeting addresses a 'Special Topic' with an invited expert from within the member companies or external (a vendor, academic or consultant).

Many IMPI members are also represented on the Pharma Documentation Ring (PDR), a global group with similar objectives. IMPI is thus able to represent a co-ordinated UK position to the PDR on information and knowledge management issues.