Venture Details

An Online Community

Impact Now is an online platform where users will log in as future leaders, groups seeking assistance or donors. How do we match users and see projects to completion? Let's have a look!

How do we go from "log-in" to project completion?

1) Groups highlight their needs

Groups or communities in need are at the heart of Impact Now. They will be able to log into our platform and highlight the support they are seeking. Groups are encouraged to submit only the difficulties they face, or a fully worked out solution they need implemented. Once submitted, they await students to show interest in their projects, as well as funding.

**Impact Now will work with an expanding network of NGOs to expand our reach, giving a voice to more communities around the world.

2) Students match interests with needs

Students and student groups are able to browse the database of groups looking for support. If their needs match the passions/talents, an initial pairing is formed. The group is contacted (perhaps through a third party if necessary). Students then work with the group to create an estimate of the cost needed to complete the project.

3) Donors Fund

Donors are key to the success of this venture and generous donations make ambitious projects possible. Donors are able to fund specific projects submitted by groups, or choose to have Impact Now allocate their donation on their behalf.

In addition to funding, Donors are able to become project mentors. The hope is that donors fund projects that align with their expertise as well.

4) Impact Now Oversees Project Completion

Impact Now's team will oversee all projects to completion. We aim to hire a team that has experience with NGO work to provide additional guidance to our young future leaders.

Donation Guarantee

80% of all donations will go directly towards funding projects. Our team's aim is to keep costs to a minimum to ensure the absolute maximum impact with every dollar invested in the company.

Raising Awareness

In a marketplace with many companies offering volunteer-based experiences for students, gaining recognition is critical. We initially plan to make connections across Canada at the school-board level. By running out-reach sessions, we hope to make school leaders and teachers aware of the potential of this community we are creating.

We also plan to market this opportunity to international schools across the globe. There is untapped potential in the growing international school market for students to be able to connect with groups in different parts of the world. Whether it be for high school class projects, or student-led clubs, Impact Now can help connect students with groups in need.