The Ask & Outlook

Investors, we are looking for:

An initial total investment of $500,000 USD to support:

  • The hiring of a core team that includes a web developer, project manager, and marketing specialist.

  • Creating our online platform.

  • Creating branding materials.

  • Outreach initiatives.

  • Funding our initial round of student-led projects.

What does success look like?

We have confidence that Impact Now will create substantial positive change in our world, but what does success look like?

1 Year - Our online platform has been created, branding has been completed, and we begin our first round of projects.

5 Years - Our team has expanded to support a growing number of projects. Students complete multiple projects, and donors support multiple efforts as well. We help students develop a portfolio of work which will in turn translate into scholorship opportunities from our expanding list of donors.