What we stand for:

At Impact Now, our core belief is that young people in high school and university don’t need to wait to graduate before they make a difference. We are a community that aims to improve the lives of underprivalleged and underserved communities globally, just that our projects are lead by future leaders.

What we do:

Young people have ideas, passions and talents that change our world. What if we could scale-up this impact by connecting students looking to make a difference, philanthropists wanting to fund projects, and underprivileged communities looking for help? Impact Now is a not-for-profit organization serving as the catalyst to do just this. Whether it be connecting an aspiring artist with a marginalized community to raise awareness through an ad campaign, or, connecting a university engineering student group with a village looking for an irrigation solution, our projects create real positive change. Our online platform brings people together with a challenge, talents and funding, it’s as simple as that.