The Final prototype testing was conducted on four different target learners who were initially interviewed during the Needs Analysis of our project.

The questions and their responses to our prototype can be found here.

Feedback Analysis

Refine Design Features

Redesign Prototype

Final Learner Testing

Analysis from Final Learner Testing

"Wow! This funding for minority entrepreneur is mind blowing! I was telling my friend today about how it's hard to talk business at informal settings because of the cultural differences between Latinos and other communities!"

- Christian, Target Learner

  • Our target learner could identify resources directed towards ethnic communities. Upon seeing these resources, they were able to visualize ways of overcoming the obstacles of building a venture.

"I could see myself facing the same problems as Anila. I honestly hadn't thought about competitors beforehand."

- Hailey, Target Learner

  • Our target learner was amazed by the business insights she received from her mentors. Future design will include features to personalize this mentoring experience even more.

"There is a wide variety of resources out there for aspiring entrepreneurs, but most of them intimidated me. Impackt is different in the sense that I can relate more with my mentors. Seeing someone who shares my background and experience succeed really encourages me. I love the fact that Impackt has focused on the particular needs to minority entrepreneurs."

- Ahnaf, Target Learner

  • Learners were able to understand what it takes to be a social entrepreneur upon seeing different minority mentor’s path and resources specifically catered for them.

"If I can choose mentors from similar cultural background - like filter mentors by 'Asian' or 'Latino', then it will make a difference seeing the number of entrepreneurs coming from these communities. Also, if I am allowed to compare paths between different mentors, this will give me detailed insights about their individual journey. "

- Zara, Target Learner

  • Our future design will include the path comparison feature between mentors.

Summary of Main Findings

  1. Learners found that the ability to see minority mentors and their paths helped them better understand what it takes to create a social entrepreneurship.
  2. After seeing the specific resources directed towards minority, learners could visualize ways of overcoming their future obstacles related to building a social venture.

Future Directions

Based on the main findings from our observation and interviews, we have decided to

add the following features in future to our platform.

  • To make the learner experience more personalized, Impackt will provide suggestions of mentors based on their interest.
  • Learner will be able to compare the journey of different mentors.
  • Based on the interest learners select during profile creation, they will be provided recommendations to join or create groups and expand their network.

With these new features, learners will feel more ready to start their passion project as they embark on the journey of social entrepreneurship.

Below are some features of Impackt's untested future visions:

Mentor Path Comparison

"Can we compare paths between different mentors?" - Target Learner


"Can it suggest me resources based on my interest?" - Target Learner


"Could it connect me to groups or other entrepreneurs who share the same interest as me?" - Target Learner

Impackt Poster_Amanda Luz Silva, Steven Williamson, Naima Rashid.pdf