There are two ways to edit the player appearance settings for your videos. You can edit the embedded settings for an individual video via the video settings page, which can be found by selecting the player icon on the right side of the screen. Or, you can create Embed presets in your Account settings and then apply those to multiple videos.

Important: If your webpage is using a responsive design, the embedded player may automatically adhere to a smaller size on mobile. Some end screens will not appear if the player is smaller than 300px wide or 169px tall.

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PowerPoint 2016 and newer versions support the playback of video with multiple audio tracks. They also support closed captions and subtitles that are embedded in video files. For more information, see Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible.

When a video is selected on a slide, a toolbar appears below the video that has a play/pause button, a progress bar, incremental forward/backward buttons, a timer, and a volume control. Click the Play button at the left of that toolbar to preview the video.

By default, in Slide Show, the video plays as part of the click sequence. That means that when you click anywhere on the slide to advance to the next step (or when you press the Spacebar, Right arrow key, or other key that advances to the next step) the video plays. This Start option is called In Click Sequence.

(If there are animation steps before it, the animation steps will play first and then the video starts playing automatically. If there are no other animation steps before the video on the slide, the video begins playing immediately.)

Using the API's JavaScript functions, you can queue videos for playback; play, pause, or stop those videos; adjust the player volume; or retrieve information about the video being played. You can also add event listeners that will execute in response to certain player events, such as a player state change.

This guide explains how to use the IFrame API. It identifies the different types of events that the API can send and explains how to write event listeners to respond to those events. It also details the different JavaScript functions that you can call to control the video player as well as the player parameters you can use to further customize the player.

The sample HTML page below creates an embedded player that will load a video, play it for six seconds, and then stop the playback. The numbered comments in the HTML are explained in the list below the example.

The tag in this section identifies the location on the page where the IFrame API will place the video player. The constructor for the player object, which is described in the Loading a video player section, identifies the tag by its id to ensure that the API places the in the proper location. Specifically, the IFrame API will replace the tag with the tag.

The onYouTubeIframeAPIReady function will execute as soon as the player API code downloads. This portion of the code defines a global variable, player, which refers to the video player you are embedding, and the function then constructs the video player object.

The API will call the onPlayerStateChange function when the player's state changes, which may indicate that the player is playing, paused, finished, and so forth. The function indicates that when the player state is 1 (playing), the player should play for six seconds and then call the stopVideo function to stop the video.

After the API's JavaScript code loads, the API will call the onYouTubeIframeAPIReady function, at which point you can construct a YT.Player object to insert a video player on your page. The HTML excerpt below shows the onYouTubeIframeAPIReady function from the example above:

The IFrame API will replace the specified element with the element containing the player. This could affect the layout of your page if the element being replaced has a different display style than the inserted element. By default, an displays as an inline-block element.

As mentioned in the Getting started section, instead of writing an empty element on your page, which the player API's JavaScript code will then replace with an element, you could create the tag yourself. The first example in the Examples section shows how to do this.

Note that if you do write the tag, then when you construct the YT.Player object, you do not need to specify values for the width and height, which are specified as attributes of the tag, or the videoId and player parameters, which are are specified in the src URL. As an extra security measure, you should also include the origin parameter to the URL, specifying the URL scheme (http:// or https://) and full domain of your host page as the parameter value. While origin is optional, including it protects against malicious third-party JavaScript being injected into your page and hijacking control of your YouTube player.

To call the player API methods, you must first get a reference to the player object you wish to control. You obtain the reference by creating a YT.Player object as discussed in the Getting started and Loading a video player sections of this document.

Queueing functions allow you to load and play a video, a playlist, or another list of videos. If you are using the object syntax described below to call these functions, then you can also queue or load a list of a user's uploaded videos.

The cuePlaylist and loadPlaylist functions allow you to load and play a playlist. If you are using object syntax to call these functions, you can also queue (or load) a list of a user's uploaded videos.

The optional index parameter specifies the index of the first video in the playlist that will play. The parameter uses a zero-based index, and the default parameter value is 0, so the default behavior is to load and play the first video in the playlist.

The optional startSeconds parameter accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the first video in the playlist should start playing when the playVideo() function is called. If you specify a startSeconds value and then call seekTo(), then the player plays from the time specified in the seekTo() call. If you cue a playlist and then call the playVideoAt() function, the player will start playing at the beginning of the specified video.

When the list is cued and ready to play, the player will broadcast a video cued event (5).   The optional listType property specifies the type of results feed that you are retrieving. Valid values are playlist and user_uploads. A deprecated value, search, will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020. The default value is playlist.

 If the listType property value is playlist, then the list property specifies the playlist ID or an array of video IDs. In the YouTube Data API, the playlist resource's id property identifies a playlist's ID, and the video resource's id property specifies a video ID. If the listType property value is user_uploads, then the list property identifies the user whose uploaded videos will be returned. If the listType property value is search, then the list property specifies the search query. Note: This functionality is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020. 

The optional index property specifies the index of the first video in the list that will play. The parameter uses a zero-based index, and the default parameter value is 0, so the default behavior is to load and play the first video in the list.

The optional startSeconds property accepts a float/integer and specifies the time from which the first video in the list should start playing when the playVideo() function is called. If you specify a startSeconds value and then call seekTo(), then the player plays from the time specified in the seekTo() call. If you cue a list and then call the playVideoAt() function, the player will start playing at the beginning of the specified video.

The optional listType property specifies the type of results feed that you are retrieving. Valid values are playlist and user_uploads. A deprecated value, search, will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020. The default value is playlist.

 If the listType property value is playlist, then the list property specifies a playlist ID or an array of video IDs. In the YouTube Data API, the playlist resource's id property specifies a playlist's ID, and the video resource's id property specifies a video ID. If the listType property value is user_uploads, then the list property identifies the user whose uploaded videos will be returned. If the listType property value is search, then the list property specifies the search query. Note: This functionality is deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 15 November 2020. 

We recommend that you set this parameter to false while the user drags the mouse along a video progress bar and then set it to true when the user releases the mouse. This approach lets a user scroll to different points of a video without requesting new video streams by scrolling past unbuffered points in the video. When the user releases the mouse button, the player advances to the desired point in the video and requests a new video stream if necessary. ff782bc1db

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