

Currently, the most popular VR headsets require the use of a tethered headset. These headsets are the current standard for the highest-quality VR experience. However, industry standard headsets are sold from a variety of prices from $35 to upwards of $400. These price ranges will vary when it comes to AR headsets that average around $3500 per set of gear. 

Mobility of this application offers a new wave of accessibility for AR/MR to be implemented into schools at a competitive price range. Through the use of leveraging the ability of smart phones, VR/AR/MR can be used as an ideal teaching tool in all our classrooms. The challenge remains of transferring the quality and ability of headsets into the capacity of a mobile phone. 


AR/MR both rely heavily on our ability to view our environment. Our cell phones and tablets have been the primary source for this. Currently, applications such as PokemonGo have led the way in AR gaming, but as technology progresses, there is a great opportunity for AR games to be applied to classes to gamify learning. MR unfortunately is not as common as it requires a higher quality of camera to allow for depth sensing. As the quality of cameras continue to increase with the standard for technology I believe that MR will surpass AR in mobile applications. 

Why Mobile

Using mobile devices allows our students to be dynamic in their interactions. It takes the learning experience beyond the classroom. With effective applications and software, students would be able to use their phones to get measurements of buildings surrounding their local area for their math equations. They would be able to identify and explore nature with information being provided to them as they pass different rocks and plants. These experiences beyond the classroom bridges the gap between the content and how it applies to the real world.