Immersive Reality Experiences

Changing how we interact with education

"The only source of knowledge is experience."

Hello and welcome to my site on immersive reality mobile education experiences. As school districts grow, funding for programs continues to become increasingly competitive. With more liability than ever, field trips and experiences within our schools have become even more challenging for our teachers to facilitate. As a new teacher in the profession, I have been advised to avoid making field trips by my colleagues who have made comments like “field trips are a nightmare,” “it’s impossible to get anything approved,” and “it takes too much extra work.” I hope that throughout my career, advances in immersive reality technology and mobile devices will reach the point where field trip-like experiences that engage students with mobile technology will be accessible in every classroom. 

 Below is a breakdown of each section and what to expect as you browse.  Feel free to go through all the tabs at your own pace.

What is immersive reality and why is it important?

How will immersive reality impact education? What are the benefits of experiences in education?

What are the mobile applications of immersive reality?

All about me...