
Librarians' Role

in Cultivating Data-Literate Citizens

Thursday July 27, 2023

2:00-3:30 PM EST | 1:00-2:30 PM CST | 12:00-1:30 PM MST | 11:00-12:30 PM PST


In the final session, experts will share what we can do to cultivate citizens who understand and use data wisely. Professor Julia Bauder (Grinnell College), Lynette Hoelter (ICPSR), Steve Pierson (American Statistical Association), and Dylan Ruediger (Ithaka S+R’s Libraries) will provide practical advice and tools we can utilize and offer what they see for the future. 

Session Speakers

Julia Bauder

Professor, Director of  Data Analysis and Social Inquiry Lab

Social Studies and Data Services Librarian 

Grinnell College

Julia Bauder is the Social Studies and Data Services Librarian and Director of the Data Analysis and Social Inquiry Lab at Grinnell College. She has written or edited several books, including The Reference Guide to Data Sources, Data Literacy in Academic Libraries: Teaching Critical Thinking with Numbers, and Teaching Research Data Management. She has also published and presented about information literacy, data literacy, and data visualization in venues including Information Technology and Libraries, College & Undergraduate Libraries, and the LITA National Forum.

Dylan Ruediger

Program Manager 

Ithaka S + R's Libraries Scholar Communications, and Museum Program

Dylan Ruediger manages the research enterprise program at Ithaka S+R, where he leads projects designed to help universities, funders, lawmakers, and scholars develop evidence-based responses to the technological, cultural, and political changes that shape the production and circulation of scholarly knowledge. Prior to joining Ithaka S+R, Dylan coordinated a national initiative to better align doctoral education with changing professional opportunities within and beyond the academy at the American Historical Association. Dylan earned a bachelor’s degree in critical theory at Hampshire College, and holds a PhD in history from Georgia State University.

Lynette Hoelter

Director, Instructional Resources Associate Archivist

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research

Lynette is the director of Instructional Resources and the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture (NADAC) at ICPSR. She works with faculty to incorporate data into their teaching, even in introductory level courses. Lynette also co-leads an effort to support federal statistical agencies as they standardize the discovery and application processes for their restricted microdata (ResearchDataGov.org), among other projects. Common across Lynette's work is the desire to help individuals find, access, and use the data that best fit their needs and to foster quantitative reasoning skills in students and the general public.  

Steve Pierson 

Director of Science Policy

 American Statistical Association

Prior to becoming director of science policy with the ASA in 2008, Pierson was head of government relations for the American Physical Society and associate professor of physics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. In his current role, he advocates on behalf of the interests of statisticians and data scientists and to raise their profile in policymaking.

Presentation Slides

Session 7 1-Slides.pdf

Webinar Recording 

Audio and Transcription

Session 7_Transcription
Session 7_Transcription.pdf

Transcription (Word)

Transcription (PDF)