
Quality Assurance

 in Data Creation

Thursday February 23, 2023

2:00-3:30 PM EST | 1:00-2:30 PM CST | 12:00-1:30 PM MST | 11:00-12:30 PM PST


How do governmental bodies and academic researchers ensure the data they produce and work with has the quality needed for meaningful results? Can we prepare students and the public to understand the data and statistics they will use to make decisions? How does a decentralized government produce the data we need?  Can a researcher take advantage of data from different sectors? John Abowd (Associate Director for Research & Methodology and Chief Scientist at the United States Census Bureau), Professor Janet Currie (Co-director of Princeton University’s Center for Health & Wellbeing and Co-director - NBER Program on Families & Children); and Katherine Wallman (former Chief Statistician of the United States) will share their insights and the challenges faced.

Session Speakers

John M. Abowd, PhD

Executive Senior Advisor, Research and Methodology Directorate, U.S. Census Bureau 

John Abowd is an executive senior advisor for the Research and Methodology Directorate and is the former associate director for research and methodology, and chief scientist, a position he held from June 2016 to October 2022.  The Research and Methodology Directorate leads critical work to modernize our operations and products. 

He is currently leading the agency’s efforts to create a differentially private disclosure avoidance system for the 2020 Census and future data products. His long association with the Census Bureau began in 1998 when he joined the team that helped found the longitudinal employer-household dynamics program. In 2008, he led the team that created the world’s first application of a differentially private data protection system for the program’s OnTheMap job location tool. Abowd is also the Edmund Ezra Day Professor emeritus of economics, statistics, and data science at Cornell University. He is a fellow and past president of the Society of Labor Economists. He is also a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Statistical Association, and Econometric Society, as well as an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago and A.B. in economics from the University of Notre Dame.

Janet Currie

Co-director of Princeton University’s Center for Health & Wellbeing 

Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs

Janet Currie is a pioneer in the economic analysis of child development and the co-director of the Program on Families and Children at the National Bureau of Economic Research.  She has used a wide range of data in research focusing on socioeconomic differences in health and access to health care, environmental threats to health, child mental health, and the long-run impact of early life health.  Currie is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and President-Elect of the American Economic Association and has served on the NAS Committee on National Statistics. 

Katherine Wallman

Chief Statistician of the United States (1992-2017), Executive Office of the President/Office of Management and Budget

During her tenure, Ms. Wallman fostered improvements in the scope and quality of the Nation’s official statistics, set standards for the Federal statistical establishment, increased collaboration among the agencies of the U.S. statistical system, strengthened protections for confidential statistical information, and initiated changes that have made the products of the system more accessible to data users. Currently retired, she continues to contribute, particularly with respect to principles, policies, and priorities for federal statistical agencies.  Wallman has served as the president of the American Statistical Association (1992) and chair of the United Nations Statistical Commission (2004-2005). She is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.

Presentation Slides

Copy of 2023.02.23_Session02_Slides.pdf

Webinar Recording

Audio and Transcriptions

Session 2_Cleaned Transcription.docx
Session 2_Cleaned Transcription.pdf

Transcription (Word) 

Transcription (PDF

Supplementary Material

U.S. Census Bureau Statistical Quality Standards (April 2022).pdf
Katherine Wallman’s Comments on Data Literacy Bill and Additional Information