What they said

about TMT

What people have said about previous TMT Conferences at Greenwich

Daniel Colquitt (https://www.danielcolquitt.com/) gave a talk at the very first TMT in 2010. He is now a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at the University of Liverpool (and gave a talk about invisibility cloaks at the 2017 British Science Festival). Here is what Daniel says about TMT:

  • Looking back at my attendance at the first TMT, I can appreciate just how much of a fantastic opportunity it was. I attended as a final year undergraduate and it, not only gave me the opportunity to interact with my peers, some of whom would eventually become good colleagues, but also introduced me to academic conferences and how they function. This experience proved invaluable later during my PhD as it dispelled some of the mystery that surrounded such events and gave me the opportunity to practise delivering talks to large groups. However, the best aspect by far was the range of utterly fascinating mathematics that was discussed during the conference.

Alissa Kamilova talked at TMT2016. She has since been selected as one of the "Success stories" featured on the London Mathematical Society's website (https://www.lms.ac.uk/content/alissa-kamilova). She said of her experience at TMT:

  • It was a wonderful experience and it definitely helped me get to where I am today. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Delegates' quotes

  • I really enjoyed today - a really good chance to talk to people that like to talk about maths. Undergraduate, Glasgow

  • Had an awesome day at Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today #tmt kudos to Noel-Ann and Tony for organising, they did a brilliant job. Delegate comment from Twitter

  • Very impressed by the #tmt talks I attended by the way. Game of Nim, free groups, paradoxes, falling cats... (that last one was Ian Stewart). Delegate comment from Twitter

Lecturers' quotes

  • Thank you for hosting such a successful event for our students. I have received very positive feedback and we are pleased as a department that so many of our students took an active interest. Lecturer, QMUL

  • Those who have reported back to us certainly seem to have enjoyed the occasion and we shall encourage our students to take part in future events of this sort. Lecturer, St Andrews

  • Thanks again for organising the conference - everyone I spoke to got a great deal out of it and are eager for something similar to happen again. Lecturer, Exeter

Speakers' quotes

  • A video by a speaker who attended two TMTs

  • Thanks again for putting that conference together, it was an amazing experience and I will always cherish it. Final year undergraduate, St Andrews

  • TMT was really great, you got to show people what you enjoy most in maths and see what others enjoyed. It was fun and enjoyable. Second year undergraduate, Greenwich

  • Speaking at TMT was undoubtedly the highlight of my mathematical career thus far. My TMT research when coupled with my third-year studies has enabled me to come up with an excellent dissertation idea. My confidence and skills in public speaking were enhanced incredibly and has been a prime experience to use when applying for graduate jobs. Employers are especially impressed at the amount of motivation and passion required to voluntarily research a topic and present your findings to such a large audience. I was also able to gain excellent feedback from students at other universities, allowing me to look at my research in new ways. Final year undergraduate, Greenwich

  • I would like to thank you for giving me a chance to become a part of such an event. It was a fantastic life experience to me. I learned a lot and also met great people who are genuinely interested in Mathematics. Also thank you for all your encouragement, I do really appreciate it! Final year undergraduate, Royal Holloway

  • Many thanks for organizing the event. Keynote Speaker

Professional Body

  • IMA Council and my University Liaison steering group were delighted with the success of the conference. We thought it was very well run and that all the students involved - those presenting and those attending - got a lot of benefit from the experience. I have moved on from my role with the IMA but I know they were so pleased with the conference that they have decided to continue the series. IMA representative

For further information or to contact the organisers tmt@gre.ac.uk.

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