Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today 2021

This is the site for the 2021 conference.

Here is the link for the site for TMT 2022.

Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today

an online Undergraduate Mathematics Conference supported by the IMA

hosted by the University of Greenwich

Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 March 2021

The University of Greenwich Maths Centre, in conjunction with The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), is very pleased to announce the eighth Undergraduate Mathematics Conference Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today (TMT), which will be held online on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 March 2021. The prize for the best paper is sponsored by GCHQ.

[9 June 2021] The IMA magazine Mathematics Today published a report on the conference in the June 2021 issue. With kind permission from Mathematics Today this report is available here.

Click here for registration instructions.

We are delighted that Colva Roney-Dougal (University of St Andrews) and Kit Yates (University of Bath) have agreed to give keynote talks. The programme can be found here, and abstracts of the talks can be found here.

This will be a fascinating event which will give participants the opportunity to learn about a wide range of mathematics which has excited their peers. The aim of the conference is to enable final year (and other) undergraduates to give presentations on mathematical topics of their choice. Previous conferences have seen undergraduate speakers from a wide range of universities including Aberdeen, Birkbeck University of London, Cambridge, Exeter, Glasgow, Greenwich, Leeds, Liverpool, Oxford, Royal Holloway, St Andrews and many others..

Mathematics students will benefit enormously by attending in a number of ways. Those going into research will gain experience of the process of conference submission, while those going into the workplace will gain valuable experience of professional practice and networking to enhance their CVs and career prospects. Speakers will additionally gain evidence of their professional skills. All delegates will gain insights into a wide range of mathematics of potential value in their future careers. It will be a wonderfully enjoyable day of inspiring mathematics.

For further information or to contact the organisers

To tweet about this event please use #IMATMT2021