This website lets you create normal maps from height maps for free.

All normal map textures you create are your own.

Textures are not saved on the server and all scripts are running on your Browser.

Just drag & drop a heightmap in the specified field and adjust settings.

Afterwards check the preview window and download your own normalmap.

Additionally you can adjust and download displacement and ambient occlusion maps

The preview window shows a 3D-model with several different maps.

Each map can be enabled/disabled and the preview model can be adjusted.

If you have further questions, just give feedback to the mail-adress on the webpage.

Normal Maps are textures that inherit depth information of a surface.

They don't change the structure of the model and have nearly no impact on performance.

Each pixel represents a normal vector and is composed of three colors.

These colors are representing the direction of the normal vector.

They can enhance the optical illusion of depth significantly and are especially useful on flat surfaces, that have several bumps orcracks.

As shown on the right, the elevation described by the height map can be converted to a normal map, that can be read from your graphics card inside the shader units.

When aiming for a more drastical illusion in depth, where parts could be occluding the model, you should try displacement maps

These maps really alter polygons but could decrease performance significantly!

Image Download Normal

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If using a height map as a displacement map,you can easily see the effects on the surface.An example heightmap (left), bumps going in (top-right) and bumps going out (bottom-right) are shown in the image below.

As the title says I want to calculate the surface normals of a given depth image by using the cross product of neighboring pixels. I would like to use Opencv for that and avoid using PCL however, I do not really understand the procedure, since my knowledge is quite limited in the subject. Therefore, I would be grateful is someone could provide some hints. To mention here that I do not have any other information except the depth image and the corresponding rgb image, so no K camera matrix information.

The normal to the surface is in the direction (-dz/dx,-dz/dy,1). (Where by dz/dx I mean the differential: the rate of change of z with x). And then normals are conventionally normalized to unit length.

Incidentally, if you're wondering where that (-dz/dx,-dz/dy,1) comes from... if you take the 2 orthogonal tangent vectors in the plane parellel to the x and y axes, those are (1,0,dzdx) and (0,1,dzdy). The normal is perpendicular to the tangents, so should be (1,0,dzdx)X(0,1,dzdy) - where 'X' is cross-product - which is (-dzdx,-dzdy,1). So there's your cross product derived normal, but there's little need to compute it so explicitly in code when you can just use the resulting expression for the normal directly.

(I'm then using the normal directions calculated to do some simple shading; note the "steppy" appearance due to the range image's quantization; ideally you'd have higher precision than 8-bit for the real range data).

Sorry, not OpenCV or C++ code, but just for completeness: the complete code which produced that image (GLSL embedded in a Qt QML file; can be run with Qt5's qmlscene) is below. The pseudocode above can be found in the fragment shader's main() function:

For the normal vector, the (-1,-1,100) and (255,255,100) are the same color in 8 bites images but they are totally different normal. So we should map the normal values to (0,1) by normal_map=normal_map*0.5+0.5.

It can be converted into something like normals, but it requires gradients interpolating height levels (like set a bit of blur). Your image represents only heights, but orientated at the same direction. Higher or lower squares on surface will be described in normal map by the same base violet color (it means flat).

When you use a grayscale image to simulate height, it's either called a displacement map or a bump map. There's nearly no difference between the two, beyond what they're used for. Because you're interested in using your image to change the normals, it's called a bump map. You're on the right track with your image, you're just doing a little bit too much. Here's the right-ish setup:

Before I get any further, let me point a few things out. The first is that I set the distance to a very small number. The normals that a bump map node generates are the normals that you'd get if white meant a displacement of 1 Blender unit-- 1 meter, typically-- over black. For a cube that's only two units cubed, that'd be ridiculous. We're scaling it down here to centimeter level bump instead, by setting the distance to 0.01. Default distance is almost never a good idea.

The other thing is that your bump map doesn't look very bumpy, right? The normals are the only thing we're modifying. We're not getting shadowing from our bump. And the bump that you've provided is very solid, so what we're seeing are very sharp angles, which occupy nearly none of our visible cube. Neither bump mapping nor normal mapping are good for representing thisparticular displacement. I'd recommend loading this image into Photoshop or GIMP and running a blur on it, and then compare using the blurred bump to the original bump.

Finally, I set the bump map as non-color data. This means that if the image file contains a 0.5, that's halfway between black and white. In sRGB, it's not. Whether we want non-color or sRGB depends on how we made our bump map, but typically, bump maps are stored as non-color data, so we should read them that way. XYZ is not the same thing as non-color-- it is a different color space that is rarely used.

We can bake this to a normal map if we want. It won't be significantly different, but doing so will improve how some bump maps look under magnification. (It will also make them, and the mesh itself, harder to edit. That's the main tradeoff.) To do this, we can just bake normals to a new image, directly from this same material:

There's no need to do anything fancy; Blender bakes the normals of the shaders it's using. I created a new image + image texture node, on non-color, and made sure it was the actively selected node (white border), then set my bake type to "Normal" and hit the Bake button.

To solve my last question How to do histogram matching with normal distribution as reference? I want to create an image with normal distribution. For that for every pixel of the new image I want to choose a number from 0 to 255 randomly and with normal distribution. I've done this:

Plug the BW output of the image into the hight input of the bump node. Then, feed the bump node's normal output into the normal input(s) of your shader. You can also plug raw BW images into the displacement input of the Material Output. For more reading on the bump node, check this out: How to create normal texture with node setup?

I have personally used CrazyBump, and although it seems sketchy, I can confirm that it works. If you use one of these, you have to load in your color (albedo) texture, and it will generate a normal map. You can then load the normal map into blender, and use a normal map node to control its intensity. A bit of a hassle, but this gets the best results that I know of.

Dont know if you can convert images in blender (im new to this also) but you can run an image through a colorramp then to a bump node then to normal connection and fudge it alittle with the colorramp.

A Shack-Hartmann aberrometer was used to measure the monochromatic aberration structure along the primary line of sight of 200 cyclopleged, normal, healthy eyes from 100 individuals. Sphero-cylindrical refractive errors were corrected with ophthalmic spectacle lenses based on the results of a subjective refraction performed immediately prior to experimentation. Zernike expansions of the experimental wave-front aberration functions were used to determine aberration coefficients for a series of pupil diameters. The residual Zernike coefficients for defocus were not zero but varied systematically with pupil diameter and with the Zernike coefficient for spherical aberration in a way that maximizes visual acuity. We infer from these results that subjective best focus occurs when the area of the central, aberration-free region of the pupil is maximized. We found that the population averages of Zernike coefficients were nearly zero for all of the higher-order modes except spherical aberration. This result indicates that a hypothetical average eye representing the central tendency of the population is nearly free of aberrations, suggesting the possible influence of an emmetropization process or evolutionary pressure. However, for any individual eye the aberration coefficients were rarely zero for any Zernike mode. To first approximation, wave-front error fell exponentially with Zernike order and increased linearly with pupil area. On average, the total wave-front variance produced by higher-order aberrations was less than the wave-front variance of residual defocus and astigmatism. For example, the average amount of higher-order aberrations present for a 7.5-mm pupil was equivalent to the wave-front error produced by less than 1/4 diopter (D) of defocus. The largest pupil for which an eye may be considered diffraction-limited was 1.22 mm on average. Correlation of aberrations from the left and right eyes indicated the presence of significant bilateral symmetry. No evidence was found of a universal anatomical feature responsible for third-order optical aberrations. Using the Marechal criterion, we conclude that correction of the 12 largest principal components, or 14 largest Zernike modes, would be required to achieve diffraction-limited performance on average for a 6-mm pupil. Different methods of computing population averages provided upper and lower limits to the mean optical transfer function and mean point-spread function for our population of eyes. 006ab0faaa

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