The Gathering Place (TGP) offers services to combat poverty and address the impacts of marginalization and oppression that are often contributing factors to poverty or homelessness. By offering low-barrier access to a broad range of basic necessities and wrap-around care options, TGP guides women, transgender and non-binary individuals, and children living in poverty from a place of crisis and instability to one of stability and security. While we refer to those we serve as "members," no fees are ever charged for programs or services.

Globally inspired, locally sourced meals are our passion! Gather serves up fresh, healthy, West Coast contemporary cuisine with global inspiration seven days a week. Where else can you find gourmet burgers, Indian food, Latin American street food, poke, and a salad bar serving UBC Farm produce all in one place?

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Gather takes inspiration from bold international flavours and local ingredients. It is envisioned as a space for students to gather, refuel, and feel at home, as well as a gathering place that welcomes the campus community as a whole. The bright, modern design showcases the best offerings from our experienced culinary team, including a spectacular salad bar, gourmet burgers and fries, plant-based delicacies, Latin American flavours, sushi burritos and poke bowls, Indian food and more.

We know exactly how much support matters. In our professionally facilitated breastfeeding, postpartum and parenting groups you can benefit from the real-life experience of other families in our community, gather practical knowledge and receive no-nonsense advice to help you navigate this exciting, critical time in the life of your family

The placenta has been used for postpartum healing for centuries across the world. Ingesting your placenta may help ease common postpartum ailments such as postpartum depression, lactation difficulties, postpartum bleeding, nutrient loss and much more. The healing power of your placenta can be transformed into remedies to help you have a happier postpartum journey.

Some common synonyms of gather are assemble, collect, and congregate. While all these words mean "to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit," gather is the most general term for bringing or coming together from a spread-out or scattered state.

There are many different locations that can be experienced as sacred spots. Quiet churches and hushed forests. Noisy and happy kitchens. If we believe that God is everywhere, surely God is also where the refrigerator and stovetop are. Which makes all kitchens, even the smallest ones, holy places.

A gathering place is any place where people are able to congregate. Gathering places may be public; for example, city streets, town squares, and parks; or private; for example, churches, coffee shops, stadiums, and theaters.

I am doing the side task "An unusual find" which requires me to make use of the Place Gather Plants task and to produce Herbs. I managed to produce the herbs via the Herbal Hut. But the game wont let me place down a Place Gather Plants task, thus stopping me from completing the side quest.

Gather, a place for families. We're excited for creative hands on play, classes, storytimes and birthday parties in our new location! Now offering a parent lounge, separate baby zone, large play room and more.

Inspired by the cherished moments shared daily around the dining table, this every day eatery is the backdrop for traditional American cuisine paired with Houston hospitality. Our scratch kitchen focuses on the all-important relationships with our farmers, ranchers, and fishermen, to bring you the freshest seasonal dining experience. At our table, we pay respect to the classics while leaving room for interpretation and most importantly, nostalgic fun. So pull up a chair, gather around, and stay a while.

Building effective altruism refers to the family of interventions aimed at growing, shaping, or otherwise improving effective altruism as a practical and intellectual community.Examples of building effective altruism include starting student groups and local groups, writing articles, and organizing social gatherings for people interested in effective altruism.An influential model in effective altruism community building is the Awareness/Inclination model, developed by Owen Cotton-Barratt.[1] Awareness and inclination are both limiting factors for movement growth: in order to join effective altruism, a potential new member both needs to know what the movement is (awareness) and have a positive impression of it and desire to be involved (inclination). Ideally, EA movement-building work would increase both awareness and inclination, but there is sometimes a trade-off between the two. For instance, some social movements draw attention to themselves by generating controversy, which increases awareness while decreases inclination.

There has been debate about the value of growing the effective altruism movement. A larger movement means more people trying to do good effectively, but there may also be downsides to a larger movement. For example, it may be more difficult to have nuanced discussions, protect key effective altruism priorities, or coordinate.Evaluation80,000 Hours rates building effective altruism a \"highest priority area\": a problem at the top of their ranking of global issues assessed by importance, tractability and neglectedness.[2]Further readingBachmann, Michael (2018), Start with who

Centre for Effective Altruism (2017, updated 2021), The fidelity model of spreading ideas

Cotton-Barratt, Owen (2015), How valuable is movement growth?Duda, Roman (2018) Building effective altruism, 80,000 Hours, March (updated July 2020).Whittlestone, Jess (2017) Building an effective altruism community, Effective Altruism, November 16. Related entriesaltruistic coordination | coworking spaces | effective altruism education | global outreach | moral trade | movement collapse | network building | retreats | social and intellectual movements | value of movement growth^Cotton-Barratt (2015) How valuable is movement growth?, Effective^80,000 Hours (2021) Our current list of the most important world problems, 80,000 Hours."},{"@type":"Thing","name":"Community infrastructure","url":" -infrastructure","description":"Community infrastructure refers to potential and current community-wide products, tools, services or mechanisms that enable intra-community coordination.This can include:building tools or websites such as wikis, forums, tools, and platformsoffering cross-cutting services like shared services to EA organizationsoffline events such as conferences, community houses, and regional networkscoordination tools such as donor lotteriesSome community infrastructure may be limited to certain subgroups, such as events and services for leaders but still provide benefits to the wider community.Examples include: EA Forum, EA Funds, EA Hub, EA Global conferences, Project incubation (e.g. Charity Entrepreneurship) and the international EA event calendar.This is intended to be for infrastructure that serve the specific needs of the EA movement.Further readingcafelow (2020) Connecting with online EA events, Effective Altruism Forum, April 16.External linksEA Hub/Resources. A collection of resources about effective altruism.International Effective Altruism Events Calendar.Related entriesaltruistic coordination | markets for altruism | scalably using labour"},{"@type":"Thing","name":"Community","url":" ","description":"The community topic covers posts about the effective altruism community, as well as applying EA in one's personal life. The tag also applies to posts about the Forum itself, since this is a community space. You should use the community tag if one of the following things is true:The post is about EA as a cultural phenomenon (as opposed to EA as a project of doing good)The post is about norms, attitudes or practices you'd like to see more or less of within the EA communityThe post would be irrelevant to someone who was interested in doing good effectively, but NOT interested in the effective altruism community The post concerns an ongoing conversation, scandal or discourse that would not be relevant to someone who doesn't care about the EA community.Posts tagged with community are displayed in a separate list on the homepage to other posts; this list can be hidden.Ā 

About the effective altruism community The effective altruism community is partly a professional network of people who are interested in pursuing impactful careers. It is also partly a social community of people who are interested in doing the most good possible. Although there is a Centre for Effective Altruism, effective altruism is decentralised, and various organizations, local groups and individuals consider themselves as part of the community. In 2020, David Moss estimated that there were 4500-10,000 members of the EA community (90% confidence interval).[1]


Further readingĀ 

EA surveys produced by Rethink PrioritiesĀ 


Related entries building effective altruism | effective altruism groups | Centre for Effective Altruism | effective altruism survey | data (EA community)| community experiences | effective altruism lifestyle

Ā ^Moss, David (2020) EA Survey 2019 Series: How many people are there in the EA community? (EA Forum)"},{"@type":"Thing","name":"Coworking spaces","url":" -spaces","description":"The EA community has created multiple coworking spaces in cities around the world. Benefits of coworking spaces for individuals and organizations include being able to work more flexibly, easier collaboration with people with similar interests, and economies of scale on office management and resources.Related entriesbuilding effective altruism | Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research"},{"@type":"Thing","name":"Online effective altruism communities","url":" -effective-altruism-communities","description":"This tag is about online communities related to effective altruism.External linksOnline Groups portal on the Effective Altruism Forum.Related entrieseffective altruism groups | building effective altruism | retreats | university groups | community infrastructure"}],"author":[{"@type":"Person","name":"Arepo","url":" "},{"@type":"Person","name":"Emrik","url":" "},{"@type":"Person","name":"Siao Si","url":" "}],"interactionStatistic":[{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":{"@type":" 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